WhatsApp is set to introduce more changes following the integration of Meta AI into its platform. There are reports that suggest a new update could bring a ‘voice chat’ mode to the AI chatbot. According to WABetainfo, the feature was spotted in the WhatsApp beta for Android version, available on the Google Play Store, and may soon be included in the app’s stable release.
The proposed ‘voice chat’ mode aims to enhance user interaction with Meta AI by allowing real-time conversations through voice commands. This development could make communication with the AI chatbot faster, more natural, and efficient, as speaking is often quicker than typing. Users will also have the option to select a preferred voice for Meta AI’s responses, adding a personalised touch to their interactions.
To make accessing the voice chat mode more convenient, WhatsApp is reportedly testing a new shortcut feature. Users could activate Meta AI’s voice chat mode by pressing a floating action button within the chat list. This shortcut is designed to enable users to quickly engage with Meta AI without having to navigate through multiple steps.
Users will also be able to manually enable the voice chat mode, allowing the chatbot to continuously listen to their input until the mode is deactivated by leaving the chat or switching back to text mode. A visual indicator will be present on the screen, making it easy for users to know when the voice chat mode is active. When the user exits the chat or turns off the voice chat, the indicator will disappear, providing clear feedback on the mode’s status.
These updates could revolutionise how users interact with Meta AI on WhatsApp, potentially transforming the app into a more dynamic and personalised communication tool.