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Break free from pitfalls of constant validation; 6 strategies to forge your path

Practice self-compassion and celebrate your accomplishments, even small ones



In a society driven by external approval, the constant quest for validation from others can have detrimental effects on various aspects of our lives. This exploration delves into the profound reasons why seeking constant validation is counterproductive, touching upon its impact on self-esteem, authenticity, and personal growth.

From the pressure of unrealistic expectations to the strain it puts on relationships, the consequences are far-reaching. There is a need to have a roadmap to overcome this pervasive need for validation. By focusing on internal validation, practicing self-acceptance, and embracing personal values, readers can reclaim their autonomy and live authentically.

Here’s why it’s not good to look for constant validation from others

Undermines Self-Esteem: Basing your worth on external approval can create a shaky foundation for self-esteem. It makes you dependent on others’ opinions, leading to self-doubt and decreased confidence.

Erodes Authenticity: Chasing validation can make you prioritize others’ expectations over your genuine desires and values. This strains authenticity and can lead to resentment and a sense of disconnection from yourself.

Imposes Unrealistic Demands: Seeking constant validation can create unrealistic expectations for yourself. You might feel pressured to excel in every aspect of life, leading to anxiety, stress, and burnout.

Stifles Growth: Fear of negative feedback can hinder you from taking risks, exploring new possibilities, and learning from mistakes. This impedes personal growth and resilience.

Hinders Healthy Relationships: Excessive validation-seeking can strain relationships. It can become emotionally draining for those around you and create a sense of imbalance and one-sidedness.

Perpetuates Insecurity: Relying on external validation reinforces underlying insecurities. It keeps you trapped in a cycle of seeking approval, never addressing the root causes of self-doubt.

Limits Personal Power: Giving others control over your sense of worth diminishes your power and autonomy. It makes you dependent on external factors for happiness and fulfillment.

So what is the strategy to overcome the need for constant validation at work?

Identify Your Triggers

·         Reflect on situations that spark a strong desire for approval.

·         Notice any patterns in your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that signal a need for validation.

·         Understand your triggers to manage them proactively.

Reframe Your Thinking

·         Challenge negative self-talk and self-doubt.

·         Replace thoughts like “I need everyone to like my work” with “I’m confident in my abilities and value my own opinion.”

·         Focus on your strengths and contributions, not just external feedback.

Set Clear Boundaries

·         Establish limits on how often you seek feedback or reassurance.

·         Learn to say “no” to requests that drain your energy or compromise your values.

·         Prioritise your own needs and well-being.

Develop Internal Validation

·         Practice self-compassion and celebrate your accomplishments, even small ones.

·         Remind yourself of your strengths and unique value.

·         Trust your instincts and decision-making abilities.

Seek Constructive Feedback

·         Focus on feedback that is specific, actionable, and growth-oriented.

·         Seek feedback from trusted mentors or peers who have your best interests in mind.

·         Use feedback to improve, not to measure your worth.

Practice Mindfulness

·         Engage in mindfulness exercises to stay present and reduce anxiety.

·         Notice your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

·         Cultivate a sense of inner calm and self-awareness.

Seek Support

·         Talk to a therapist or coach for professional guidance.

·         Join supportive communities or groups that promote self-acceptance and growth.

·         Share your experiences with trusted friends or colleagues.Remember, true validation comes from within. Nurture a strong sense of self-worth and learn to trust your judgment. This will empower you to live a more authentic and fulfilling life, independent of others’ opinions.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.

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