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Ways to have a healthy and better life



By Priyanshi

Nowadays, people don’t prefer to eat healthy food. People are more prone to consume outside food, that is junk food. Consuming junk food consistently affects our health and ultimately affects our immune system. Having a weak immunity has tendency to make you sick.

Today, I would like to talk about eating healthy. Eating healthy food has a tendency to make your life better. Since now people are becoming more lazy, they are also prone of developing various diseases and other health issues.

Eating healthy food makes a person healthy and fit and they don’t fall ill easily. Nowadays, many schools have classes and they intend to make all children do exercises so that their immunity will be good and they don’t fall ill.

Everyone should eat an apple daily in the morning as it is said that “An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away” and we all should have protein-rich food or majorly fruits and some green vegetables in our diet.

Due to this, we can be healthy and fit and people should also do walking and do some yoga to prevent diseases.Therefore, we all must have healthy foods and strive for a longer and healthier life.

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