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A stunning reflection of a building gracing the water’s edge



By Uddhav Aggarwal

Just as the rain illuminates the walls of the school, similarly, the shower of knowledge brightens our lives.

Education is much like rain as it can brighten the walls of our lives just as rain brightens the school walls. In the process of learning, each drop of knowledge adds to the colors that make our lives more colourful.

A school is a place where each raindrop is a piece of information. As it touches the walls, it leaves behind a mark that indicates growth, learning, and understanding. Our lives are just like those school walls, it is decorated by the continuous shower of knowledge.

The classroom is a beautiful canvas and each lesson is a stroke of different colour that adds depth to our understanding of the world. Subjects like Mathematics, Science, English, and Social studies are different shades blending to create an exceptional masterpiece.

As the rain touches the roof, ideas echo in the class. Each concept, when understood, is like a gentle touch on the window of our minds, inviting us to open the doors to new possibilities. The more we open ourselves to learning, the brighter and stronger the light of understanding shines upon us.

As students, we must realize that the actual beauty lies in the process of learning. It’s not just about memorising facts as taught, it is about understanding the why and how behind them.

Every student is like a flower awaiting the rain, ready to absorb the nutrients of intelligence that will help them bloom. Just as the rain doesn’t discriminate where it falls, knowledge doesn’t discriminate whom it brightens.

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