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Influence of technology on education



By Kangna Vig

The mode of education can never be the same. It has changed and evolved continuously. In the beginning there were no books or notebooks, slowly paper and pen were invented and soon after the process moved and today we have technology on our doorstep. As it is said “We need technology in every classroom, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” Technology effects every aspect of our lives. it has shown its presence everywhere. It has huge impact on our education. It has really improved the quality as well as quantity of education. The presence of technology enhances the level of education and makes it easier. The easy access to the internet has made education easy.

Nowadays students even don’t wait for their teacher to complete the course, they can easily read whatever they need with the help of different educational apps.

The use of technology in education is a boon for those who don’t have much time, they can easily prefer an online class. At the time of Covid-19, when the schools were closed and education was only possible through mobiles or laptops, technology only saved students from being missing out on their education for a year. Technology is a great benefit to the students nowadays, either one has to know about syllabus or want to clear a topic everything is possible and available on Internet.

One major benefit for students is that they can find the answers to difficult questions and complete their assignments from the comforts of their own homes.

The flexibility allows students to learn at their own pace and gives them the freedom to choose when and where they learn. Another positive impact of technology on education is the ability to personalise learning. Now teachers can plan customised lesson plans and assignments based on abilities of their students.

This personalised approach to education can help students feel more motivated to learn as they are able to focus on the topics of their needs. Teachers can

connect with other and share lesson plans and other teaching materials. This collaboration helps teacher stay up to date the latest teaching techniques and can save their time. Now students can access educational materials from some of the world’s top experts too. It can broaden their understanding.

Soon, the technology will enable personalised learning experiences tailored to each student’s pace, style, and strengths. Adaptive learning platforms and AI-driven assessments will help identify individual needs, allowing educators to provide targeted support, and fostering better understanding and mastery of subjects.

Technology will align education with the demands of the job market. Online courses, webinars, and workshops will provide opportunities for skill development beyond traditional subjects, empowering students with practical skills needed for the modern workforce.

Teachers will harness technology for efficient classroom management and effective teaching. Digital tools will automate administrative tasks, freeing educators to focus on fostering meaningful student-teacher interactions and innovative teaching methods.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will analyse data to offer insights into student performance, learning patterns, and areas of improvement.

Educators can use this information to tailor teaching strategies, provide timely interventions, and ensure no student is left behind.

Technology will foster global collaboration among students, enabling them to connect with peers from around the world. Virtual exchange programs and collaborative projects will promote cultural understanding and diverse perspectives.

Assessment methods will evolve beyond traditional exams. Technology will enable continuous assessment, measuring not just knowledge but also skills like critical thinking and creativity.

E-portfolios and project-based assessments will provide a holistic view of a student’s capabilities.

Technology will ensure education is accessible to students with diverse needs. Assistive technologies, such as text-to-speech and speech-to-text tools, will enable students with disabilities to engage with content effectively.

Technologies that are used in schools and colleges such as having computer labs and using high end devices and instruments make it easy for students to understand the concepts and when they see animations where their favourite characters are used. The research has shown an increase in students success rate when exposed to technology in the classroom. In the nutshell technology’s impact on education is profound. It has made learning more accessible, interactive and communicative. The balanced approach will ensure that the technology serve as a powerful tool in the upcoming future.

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