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Top Strategies to Excel in Exams: Morning Rituals Unveiled

Ms. Maninder Kaur, Social Science Educator at Apeejay School, Model Town, shares tips to boost a student’s performance during exams



As examination season approaches, students often find themselves navigating a complex terrain of heightened stress and academic pressure. The familiar halls of learning institutions transform into battlegrounds of knowledge, where each student grapples with the weight of expectations and the desire to excel. The intensity of exam preparations, coupled with the impending assessments, can lead to a palpable sense of anxiety and apprehension. It is during this critical period that students must summon their inner reserves of resilience and determination to face the challenges ahead. In this context, understanding the unique difficulties that students encounter during exams becomes imperative, as it paves the way for the development of effective strategies and support systems that can help them not only survive, but thrive in this rigorous academic environment.

Let’s hear it from Ms Maninder Kaur, an educator based in Jalandhar as she shares exam-day morning routine for students.  Read on.

Reason: Avoid getting set in a rush. It will only heighten your child’s anxiety level. S/he  should try to reach the exam hall ahead of the scheduled time.  It’s important that the child begins his /her day on a fresh note by waking up early.

Reason: On the morning of the exam, ensure that the child is not attempting to read from the textbook, as this might overwhelm him/her. If necessary, ask them to only browse through the important points from notes already made.  

Reason: Has your child packed his/her bag the night before the exam? Ask him/her to do a recheck and ensure they are carrying enough stationery, relevant documents such as admit card, and the necessary writing equipment.

Also Read: First-term Exam Prep: ‘Students should be well-versed with grammar’

Reason: On the day of the exam, it is common to feel butterflies in the stomach. To help the child calm down, encourage him/ her to take a few deep breaths for a couple of minutes each time he/she is feeling nervous. Breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga are proven ways to achieve that.

Reason: The child may not be in the right frame of mind to eat in the morning and the only thing he/she is thinking about is his/her exam. But impress upon them that going to the exam hall on an empty stomach will make them feel irritable and disoriented. So, no matter what, make sure s/he  does not skip this all-important meal. 

Reason: If you or your child wants to perform any rituals for good luck, go ahead and do that. The idea is to do anything that helps the child feel good and optimistic and to keep her/his mind focused. After all, if s/he  is in the best frame of mind, half the battle is won.

Reason: Make sure the child avoids any kind of confrontation with neighbours, friends, and other people, before going to the exam hall, be it at home or on the way to the exam centre. It would add to his anxiety.

Please note: This article has been written by Ms. Maninder Kaur. Views expressed in this article are that of the author only.

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