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Artificial Intelligence

PM Modi advocates caution and clear guidelines in AI use



Recently, in a candid interview with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Prime Minister Narendra Modi outlined India’s cautious stance towards integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into society, emphasising the imperative need for robust regulations to preempt potential misuse. Modi highlighted the necessity of equipping individuals with adequate training before granting access to AI technologies to forestall their inadvertent abuse.

Expressing concerns over the potential misuse of AI-generated content, particularly deepfake videos, Modi proposed the implementation of clear watermarks on such content to prevent misinformation and misguided interpretations.

In a democratic nation like India, where deepfake technology can be readily accessed and exploited, Modi emphasised the importance of delineating guidelines — both dos and don’ts — to navigate the intricate landscape of AI-generated content.

The Prime Minister underscored the urgency of differentiating authentic content from deepfake fabrications, especially in scenarios where his voice or likeness could be manipulated to sow discord or perpetuate false narratives.

He issued a poignant warning against the indiscriminate deployment of AI, cautioning against viewing it as a panacea for all societal challenges, as its misuse could exacerbate existing injustices.

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