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Incorporate these 4 eco-friendly habits into your daily life

By incorporating eco-friendly habits, we can contribute to a sustainable future and play our part in preserving the planet



In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront, incorporating eco-friendly habits into our daily lives has become crucial. “By adopting eco-friendly habits, youngsters can help protect the environment and preserve natural resources for future generations. Eco-friendly habits can help reduce carbon footprint and prevent global warming, which is a major threat to the planet. Youngsters who adopt eco-friendly habits can set an example for others and inspire positive change in their communities,” asserts Ar Vaani Dua, Associate Professor, Apeejay Institute of Technology-School of Architecture & Planning (AIT-SAP).

In our daily lives, we have the power to make choices that positively impact the environment. By incorporating eco-friendly habits, we can contribute to a sustainable future and play our part in preserving the planet. Here are some simple yet effective eco-friendly habits that we can all adopt as suggested by Ar Dua:

Using a bamboo toothbrush

Switching from traditional plastic toothbrushes to bamboo toothbrushes is a small change that yields significant benefits for the environment. Bamboo toothbrushes are made from renewable and biodegradable material, minimizing the accumulation of non-biodegradable plastic waste. By opting for a bamboo toothbrush, we reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainable oral hygiene practices.

Also Read: School students take charge to beat plastic pollution and promote eco-friendly practices

Using a wooden comb

In our daily grooming routines, replacing plastic combs with wooden alternatives can make a positive environmental impact. Plastic combs contribute to the growing issue of plastic pollution, taking hundreds of years to decompose. On the other hand, wooden combs are biodegradable and eco-friendly, offering a sustainable option that reduces plastic waste and promotes a more natural approach to personal care.

Carrying a cloth bag for grocery shopping

One of the simplest yet impactful eco-friendly habits is to carry a reusable cloth bag when going grocery shopping. Single-use plastic bags have a detrimental effect on the environment, often ending up in landfills or polluting our oceans. By bringing our own cloth bag, we reduce the demand for plastic bags and contribute to the reduction of plastic waste. This small change can have a significant positive effect on the environment.

Composting kitchen waste

Instead of throwing kitchen waste into the regular trash, composting provides a sustainable solution that benefits both the environment and our gardens. Composting involves the decomposition of organic materials, such as fruit and vegetable scraps, into nutrient-rich compost. By composting our kitchen waste, we divert it from landfills, reduce methane emissions, and create valuable compost that enriches the soil. This eco-friendly practice not only reduces waste but also promotes a more circular and sustainable approach to resource management.

By adopting these eco-friendly habits in our daily lives, we contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. Each small step we take has a positive impact on the environment. 

Disha Roy Choudhury is a Principal Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom. She has worked as a journalist at different media organisations. She is also passionate about music and has participated in reality shows.

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