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Honesty is the best policy



By Avani Teggi

“Honesty is the best policy,” as said by Benjamin Franklin, inspires us to be honest in life. According to him, honesty means telling the truth and being trustworthy. It involves always speaking the truth, avoiding lies, being sincere, and expressing our true feelings. Honesty serves as the foundation for relationships, enabling the development of respect and trust. It’s important to understand that once trust is broken, it becomes extremely difficult to regain.

Being honest requires cultivating a habit of speaking the truth. An honest person demonstrates good behaviour, follows rules, and is punctual. Honesty is always the right choice because it grants us courage, showcases our maturity and self-acceptance, fosters strong moral values, and strengthens connections with others.

On the other hand, the consequences of lying are not as simple as they may appear. Once someone discovers that you have lied, rebuilding trust becomes challenging, and they may lose faith in you. Engaging in a cycle of lying to conceal the truth, and then lying again to cover up previous lies, can drain your energy and erode your confidence.

Honesty is a fundamental requirement for harmonious human existence. It leads to a successful and less complicated life. Telling the truth is easier than resorting to lies. Therefore, we should always prioritise honesty and strive to avoid lying in any situation.

The Musical Interview with Anamika Jha
