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Artificial Intelligence

Empowering youth to navigate AI technological frontier



In the ever-expanding realm of education technology, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, concerns are emerging about whether children possess the necessary proficiency to navigate this transformative technology’s complexities and potential pitfalls.

While AI continues to permeate various aspects of our lives, including rewriting novels, composing songs, and generating realistic videos, the younger generation appears more inclined to embrace these advancements. 

A Pew National Research Center study conducted in November 2023 in the US revealed a notable trend — nearly one in five teenagers aged 13–17, who were aware of the AI chatbot ChatGPT, utilised it to assist with their schoolwork. This equates to approximately 13% of all teens in the US.

The study also highlighted that seven out of 10 teens deemed it acceptable to use chatbots for researching new topics. However, this endorsement raises valid concerns, especially in light of instances where AI has produced misleading or inaccurate information, exemplified by Google’s AI chatbot Gemini offering distorted depictions of historical scenes.

The inevitability of AI integration into the next generation’s educational landscape prompts crucial questions about the best practices for incorporating AI in youth education. Cointelegraph conversed with Brandon Da Silva, CEO of ArenaX Labs, to gain insights into effectively and safely implementing AI in youth education. 

ArenaX Labs recently introduced AI Arena, a player-vs-player fighter game where players train AI models to engage in battles autonomously. The game aims to enhance AI literacy through interactive play.

According to Da Silva, teaching young individuals how to train or programme AI extends beyond merely utilising tools like ChatGPT. He emphasised the importance of understanding the reasoning behind AI responses. In the realm of education, Da Silva stressed the significance of proper AI education and guidance from educators who integrate AI into their teaching methodologies. Drawing a parallel to developing discernment skills to identify deepfakes, he emphasised the need for individuals, starting with the youth, to ask critical questions about potential biases when AI is involved.

Another vital consideration for educators and those overseeing youth interactions with AI is the emotional relationships that can develop with these technologies. Recent research from the Digital Wellness Lab indicates that children can form “parasocial relationships” with AI-enabled digital assistants, establishing one-way emotional attachments.

As we propel ourselves into an AI-driven future, nurturing AI literacy among the younger generation becomes a shared responsibility. 

Equipping them with the skills to question, analyze, and understand the mechanisms behind AI ensures a harmonious integration of technology into education while mitigating the risks associated with misinformation and biased outputs.

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