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Dreaming Big: The power of vision boards for kids

By helping them visualise their goals and aspirations, you’re giving them the tools to turn their dreams into reality.



Creating a vision board with your children is not just a fun arts and crafts project, but a powerful tool for setting intentions, sparking creativity, and manifesting dreams. Here, we walk you through how to create one and why it’s worth the time and effort.

What exactly is a vision board?

First things first, let’s talk about what a vision board is. Think of it as a visual representation of your dreams and goals. It’s like a collage of images, words, and quotes that inspire and motivate you to reach for the stars. Whether it’s a dream vacation, a career aspiration, or personal growth goals, a vision board is your roadmap to success.

Why vision boards for kids? There are plenty of reasons to introduce vision boards to children:

Encourages creativity: Vision boards are a fantastic way to unleash your child’s creativity. From choosing images to arranging them on the board, they’ll have a blast expressing themselves artistically.

Teaches goal setting: Setting goals is a vital skill for success in life. By creating a vision board, kids learn how to identify their desires and work towards achieving them.

Boosts confidence: Seeing their dreams and aspirations laid out on a board can be incredibly empowering for kids. It helps them believe in themselves and their ability to make their dreams a reality.

Fosters visualisation: Visualisation is a powerful technique used by many successful individuals. When kids visualise their goals through a vision board, they’re more likely to stay focused and motivated to achieve them.

Strengthens family bonds: Creating a vision board together can be a fun bonding experience for the whole family. It’s a chance to share dreams, support each other’s goals, and celebrate achievements together.

How to get started? Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of creating a vision board with your kids.

Gather all the necessary supplies: a large board or corkboard, magazines, scissors, glue sticks, markers, and any other decorative items you fancy. Set up a designated creative space where you and your kids can get to work without distractions.

Before diving into the magazines, encourage your kids to brainstorm their goals and aspirations. What do they want to achieve? Where do they see themselves in the future? Write down their ideas and discuss them together to ensure clarity.

Now comes the fun part – flipping through magazines in search of inspiration! Encourage your kids to cut out images, words, and phrases that resonate with their goals and aspirations. Whether it’s a picture of a dream destination, a quote from their favourite author, or a symbol of success, anything goes!

Once you’ve amassed a collection of images and words, it’s time to get creative! Help your kids arrange their chosen elements on the board in a way that feels visually appealing and cohesive. They can use markers, stickers, and other decorative items to personalise their boards further.

Once the vision boards are complete, find a prominent place to display them – whether it’s in their bedroom, the living room, or a dedicated creative space. Encourage your kids to spend time reflecting on their vision boards regularly, visualising their goals, and taking steps towards achieving them.

Need some inspiration to get started? Here are a few examples of goals your kids might include on their vision boards:

·         Academic achievements (e.g., getting good grades, winning a science fair)

·         Sports or artistic aspirations (e.g., making the soccer team, mastering a new instrument)

·         Personal growth goals (e.g., practising kindness, overcoming fears)

·         Travel dreams (e.g., visiting the Taj Mahal, camping under the stars)

Remember, the possibilities are endless – encourage your kids to dream big and aim high!

Creating a vision board with your kids is more than just a craft project – it’s a journey of self-discovery, empowerment and growth. By helping them visualise their goals and aspirations, you’re equipping them with the tools they need to turn their dreams into reality. So, gather your supplies, unleash your creativity, and embark on this inspiring adventure together!

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