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Boost your immunity: 5 commonly available antidotes to air pollution

Unveiling nature’s defense menu to combat cold and cough amidst rising air pollution



In the battle against the omnipresent threat of air pollution, our bodies need a shield that goes beyond face masks and air purifiers. Embracing a diet rich in natural defenders can fortify our resilience against the harmful effects of pollution. Let us then explore five food items that not only tantalise our taste buds but also serve as nutritional armor against environmental pollutants.

Tulsi Tea: Sip Your Way to Clarity
Tulsi, or Holy Basil, has been revered in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. Tulsi tea, brewed from the leaves of this sacred herb, is a powerhouse of antioxidants, including polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds combat oxidative stress induced by pollution, shielding our cells from damage. Moreover, tulsi possesses anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, aiding the body in its natural defense mechanisms. Regular consumption of tulsi tea is like a calming elixir for both the mind and body, creating an internal sanctuary amidst the chaos of external pollution.

Jaggery: Sweet Armour Against Pollution Assault

Swap refined sugar for the natural sweetness of jaggery to reinforce your body’s defenses. This unrefined sweetener is rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, which supports the production of hemoglobin essential for transporting oxygen. Jaggery also contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals generated by pollution. Its cleansing properties help detoxify the liver, the body’s primary detox organ, ensuring efficient elimination of pollutants. By indulging your sweet tooth with jaggery, you not only satisfy cravings but also fortify your body against the sweet and silent assault of pollution.

Ginger: A Zesty Warrior in the Fight
Incorporate the zingy goodness of ginger into your daily diet to spice up your defense against pollution. Ginger is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of pollutants on the respiratory system. Its warming nature aids in improving blood circulation, enhancing the delivery of oxygen to cells, and supporting the body’s overall resilience. Whether grated into a stir-fry, brewed into tea, or included in a fresh juice, ginger adds a zesty kick to your meals while providing a robust defense against the onslaught of pollution.

Broccoli: Verdant Guardian of Detoxification

Bringing the power of greens to the forefront, broccoli emerges as a verdant guardian against pollution’s toxic grip. Packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and sulforaphane, broccoli supports the body’s detoxification processes. Sulforaphane, in particular, has been shown to enhance the production of detox enzymes, aiding in the elimination of harmful pollutants. This cruciferous vegetable also boasts anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to respiratory health. Make broccoli a dietary staple to infuse your body with the strength of green resilience.

Turmeric: Golden Armor for Immunity
Known as the “golden spice,” turmeric has been a stalwart in traditional medicine for centuries. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. It helps combat oxidative stress induced by pollution, supports the immune system, and promotes overall well-being. Including turmeric in your diet, whether in curries, golden milk, or as a supplement, is a flavorful way to armor your body against the adverse effects of pollution, allowing you to thrive in the face of environmental challenges.

The cure lies in nature itself
In the symphony of urban living, where pollution is an unwelcome guest, our dietary choices become instrumental in fortifying our bodies. By embracing the nutritional prowess of tulsi tea, jaggery, ginger, broccoli, and turmeric, we not only indulge our taste buds but also cultivate a resilient shield against the perils of pollution. Nature’s edible allies are ready to stand guard, nourishing us from within and empowering our bodies to thrive amidst the challenges of the modern world.

A talented correspondent writing special articles, interviews and also doing video coverages. Alongside being a poet, short story writer and football player in the time he finds away from work. You can read Arijit's literary pieces and watch his performances easily on the internet. He can be reached at [email protected] and [email protected]

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