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Apeejay’s nutritional odyssey: Cultivating healthy habits for life

School puts health in the spotlight through ‘nutrition and fitness week’



The celebrated American inventor and businessman, Thomas Edison once said, “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” Resonating with this spirit, Apeejay School, Kharghar in Navi Mumbai recently celebrated ‘Nutrition and Fitness Week – 2023’. This event was initiated by the school to foster a culture of health and wellness aiming to instill the significance of a healthy diet among students through an array of engaging activities and events.

The celebration kicked-off with invigorating yoga sessions for classes VI to X while aerobic sessions kept the primary group on their toes. The open-air yoga sessions allowed students to revel in the fresh air and connect with their greater selves. After this fun and energising experience, students were engaged in another fun activity; ‘Breakfast time with Fruits’ wherein they enjoyed fruits/fruit-based food items. To embrace diversity and inclusivity, children brought nutritious dishes that were unique to their culture which not only tantalised the taste buds but also initiated the conversation regarding the intersection of nutrition and culture.

The week had a lot of enthralling things in store for students according to their age groups. For the primary wing, a ‘salad making’ activity was orchestrated in which the students artfully decorated their plates with some healthy salad. This was followed by a ‘poster and food pyramid-making’ activity, in which students collaborated to craft creative and visually striking posters related to healthy eating. They also displayed charts and models of food pyramids, enhancing their awareness of nutrition. Simultaneously, a captivating PowerPoint presentation was delivered by senior secondary students on the topic ‘Decoding a healthy diet that is affordable for all,’ followed by an interactive quiz at the end of the presentation that allowed students to test their knowledge and raise awareness about affordable and nutritious food options.

The grand finale of nutrition week was equally vibrant and educational as a special assembly was conducted by the tiny tots of the primary group. The week concluded with a competitive spirit through an interclass declamation competition on the topic, ‘Man is what he eats: Exploring the mind-gut connection,’ and a bookmark-making competition in order to challenge students to explore the profound relationship between diet and mental well-being.

This event exemplifies that Apeejay School, Kharghar is dedicated to nurturing not only the academic but also the physical and emotional well-being of the students. The school has taken a significant step towards building a culture of wellness, reminding all that a healthy outside starts from a healthy inside.

Diya is a Trainee Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom. She has just stepped into the professional world of Journalism and Mass Communication with an endemic passion for writing and storytelling. She started her career with an internship at NDTV. Her innate devotion for Art and Literature fuels her determination to persevere.

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