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Google report: Indians most optimistic about AI in the world 



In a recent survey conducted by IPSOS for Google, it was found that a growing number of Indians anticipate positive impacts from artificial intelligence (AI) in the near and long term. Among the surveyed Indian residents aged 18 and above, 82% expect AI to enhance their lives over the next five years, with 70% already perceiving a positive impact attributed mainly to new information access methods.

Those expecting short-term positive impacts were twice as likely to believe that AI will address the entire spectrum of development over the next 25 years. Specifically, 77% anticipate AI playing a role in poverty reduction, and 86% believe it will enhance transportation. Additionally, 20% of respondents in India highlighted building the economy through encouraging competition, innovation, and growth as a top AI priority for the government.

The optimism about AI extends to its impact on work, with 80% of respondents believing it will be individually beneficial. This enthusiasm was mirrored in respondents from Singapore, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. Notably, 95% of Indian respondents have discussed AI in their workplaces, a higher percentage than the global average of 65%. Furthermore, India leads in the number of people believing that AI-driven changes will be a positive development, with 52% globally and 29% in the United States.

When it comes to priorities, nearly half of Indian respondents emphasized a “safe” approach to AI, while approximately a third highlighted innovation as a key priority. There is also a significant level of confidence in both tech companies and the government to deliver on these priorities, with 82% suggesting that collaboration between the government and tech companies is essential for the development of AI.

The survey, conducted between October 19 and November 6, 2023, by IPSOS for Google, included 17,000 adults from 17 countries, with respondents interviewed online using Ipsos panels.

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