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Eat Right: 10 healthy snacks for late-night cravings

By opting for these nutritious alternatives, students can satisfy their hunger without any negative health effects



In the quiet hours after 10 pm, when textbooks are sprawled across desks and the night seems to stretch endlessly ahead, a common companion emerges: Hunger. For students burning the midnight oil, the lure of unhealthy snacks can be tempting. However, indulging in junk food can lead to poor health outcomes and disrupt sleep patterns.

Therefore, it is important to eat healthy snacks instead of reaching out that packet of chips, cookies, candy bars, and or sweet beverages. Choosing the right snacks can make all the difference in how you feel and perform academically. By opting for these nutritious alternatives, students can satisfy their hunger without the guilt or negative health effects associated with junk food.

According to Shriya Maini, an alumna of Apeejay Institute of Management and Engineering Technical Campus (AIMTEC) in Jalandhar and Founder of Immuno Eats, late-night cravings are common, especially due to late work schedules.

“While heavy meals are not advised, one can feel satisfied with a glass of hot water infused with herbs post-dinner. If cravings persist, opt for light, healthy options. For sweet cravings, consider jaggery-coated makhana (Foxnut), frozen fruits, or dates. For salty cravings, oil-free popcorn or roasted chickpeas are great choices. These options are satisfying yet gentle on the stomach, promoting better sleep quality,” Maini shared.

Here is the list of foods that kids can eat guilt-free

Greek Yogurt with Honey and Almonds: A bowl of Greek yogurt topped with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of almonds offers a perfect blend of protein, healthy fats, and a touch of sweetness. This combo can aid in muscle repair overnight and satisfy your sweet tooth healthily.

Whole Grain Toast with Avocado: Avocado toast isn’t just a trendy breakfast item. A slice of whole grain bread topped with creamy avocado provides fibre and healthy fats, keeping you full and focused on your studies.

Cottage Cheese and Fruit: Low-fat cottage cheese paired with your choice of fruit (berries, peaches, or pineapple) is not only delicious but also packed with protein and essential vitamins. This snack is gentle on the stomach and ideal for a late-night nibble.

Air-Popped Popcorn: Swap out the butter-laden movie popcorn for a bowl of air-popped popcorn. It’s low in calories, high in fibre, and can be seasoned with a dash of your favourite spices for an added kick.

Carrot Sticks and Hummus: For those craving something crunchy, carrot sticks dipped in hummus offer a satisfying crunch along with a dose of vitamins and healthy fats. It’s a guilt-free snack that’s easy on the waistline.

Nut Butter on Banana Slices: Spread a thin layer of almond or peanut butter on banana slices for a sweet and satisfying snack. This combination delivers a healthy dose of potassium and protein, fuelling your body and brain.

Dark Chocolate and Almonds: A small serving of dark chocolate paired with a handful of almonds can quell those late-night chocolate cravings while providing antioxidants and healthy fats.

Edamame (young soybeans): Steamed edamame, lightly salted, is a simple snack packed with protein and fibre. It’s also fun to eat, keeping your hands busy and your belly full as you pore over your textbooks.

Herbal Tea and Whole Wheat Crackers: A warm cup of herbal tea can soothe and relax you, while a few whole wheat crackers offer the crunch you might be craving without the added fats and sugars of cookies or chips.

Overnight Oats: Prepare a small jar of overnight oats with milk, chia seeds, and a dash of maple syrup. This snack can be a lifesaver for those who prefer something hearty but healthy during late study sessions.

Remember, eating right, even after 10 pm, is a cornerstone of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and achieving academic success. Stay fuelled, stay focused, and let these wholesome snacks be your companion through the night’s challenges.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.

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