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Calm your kids with these fun breathing exercises

These can have numerous benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving focus and emotional regulation



Breathing is a fundamental aspect of our existence, yet it’s often overlooked, especially when it comes to children. Teaching kids about the importance of mindful breathing not only promotes physical health but also enhances their emotional well-being.

Let’s dive into some playful techniques that can turn deep breathing into an enjoyable activity for children of all ages.

Imagine your child blowing up a balloon – that’s the essence of this exercise. Have your little one inhale slowly through their nose, imagining their lungs filling up like a balloon. Encourage them to hold their breath for a couple of seconds, feeling the “balloon” expanding inside. Then, exhale slowly through the mouth, imagining the balloon deflating. You can even use a real balloon to make it more interactive and engaging!

Children have vivid imaginations, and tapping into this can make breathing exercises more exciting. With “flower power breathing,” kids visualise smelling a beautiful flower. Inhale deeply through the nose, imagining they’re sniffing a fragrant flower, and then exhale slowly as if they’re gently blowing the petals away. This exercise not only teaches deep breathing but also connects them to nature in a playful way.

Who doesn’t love bubbles? Turn bubble-blowing into a mindful breathing activity! Give your child a bottle of bubble solution and a wand. Instruct them to take a deep breath in and then blow slowly and steadily through the wand to create bubbles. Each exhale can be accompanied by a burst of bubbles, making the experience both calming and entertaining. It’s a fantastic way to encourage prolonged exhalation, which can trigger relaxation responses in the body.

Kids adore animals, so why not incorporate them into breathing exercises? Assign a different animal to each type of breath. For instance, take “lion breaths” where they inhale deeply through the nose and then release the breath with a big, roar like a lion. Alternatively, they can do “snake breaths,” where they hiss and then exhale slowly and steadily, mimicking the slithering motion of a snake. This playful approach not only makes breathing fun but also encourages creativity and imagination.

Picture a starfish opening and closing its arms as it breathes in and out underwater. This imagery forms the basis of the starfish breathing exercise. Encourage your child to spread their arms wide as they inhale deeply, expanding their chest like a starfish opening up. Then, as they exhale, they bring their arms back together in front of their chest, mimicking the closing motion of a starfish. It’s a simple yet effective way to teach kids about the importance of expanding and contracting their lungs with each breath.

Who doesn’t love rainbows? This exercise incorporates the beauty of colours into breathing. Have your child imagine a colourful rainbow as they breathe in slowly. With each inhale, they envision drawing the colours of the rainbow into their body, starting from their toes and moving up to their head. As they exhale, they visualise the rainbow flowing out of their body, taking away any stress or worries with it. It’s a delightful way to introduce mindfulness and relaxation techniques to children.

Simple yet effective, counting breaths is a foundational breathing exercise that teaches kids about rhythm and control. Have your child inhale deeply through the nose while counting to three, hold the breath for a count of three, and then exhale slowly while counting to three again. You can gradually increase the count as they become more comfortable with the exercise. This technique not only promotes deep breathing but also helps children develop focus and concentration skills.

Incorporating fun breathing exercises into your child’s daily routine can have numerous benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving focus and emotional regulation. Plus, it’s a wonderful way to bond with your little ones while teaching them essential life skills that they can carry with them into adulthood. So, grab a bubble wand or imagine yourself as a starfish, and let the breathing adventures begin!

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