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A New Chapter Begins: Heartwarming graduation ceremony for UKG students

A big congratulations to the toddlers on their momentous achievements; welcoming them to a new chapter



In a heartwarming ceremony brimming with joy and enthusiasm, Apeejay School, Tanda Road, recently celebrated the graduation of its UKG and Class V students under the auspice of Mrs Sushma Paul Berlia, Chairman of Apeejay Education and Chancellor of Apeejay Stya University, with the school’s principal, Mrs. Sangeeta Nistandra, serving as the esteemed chief guest. The ceremony was not just a celebration of academic achievements but a joyful welcome into new chapters of learning and growth.

A Musical Start to the Festivities

The ceremony kicked off with a delightful performance by the nursery kids, who sang a welcome song that set a cheerful tone for the day. Their voices filled the air with excitement, echoing the promise of new beginnings and the joy of learning. This musical start was a perfect introduction to the day’s celebrations, highlighting the close-knit community spirit of Apeejay School.

Welcoming the Young Graduates

As the doors to Grade I opened, the UKG graduates were met with a warm and heartfelt welcome. The air was electric with excitement as these young learners stepped into their new classroom, greeted by the smiling faces of teachers and classmates alike. Each student was presented with special gifts and tokens of appreciation, symbolizing their journey into the next phase of their educational adventure.

This transition is more than just a move to a higher grade; it’s a step into a world filled with new opportunities for learning and growth. Apeejay School, with its commitment to nurturing young minds, ensures that this journey is marked with encouragement, support, and endless possibilities.

Embracing New Beginnings

The graduation ceremony was a testament to the school’s ethos of embracing each new chapter with enthusiasm and anticipation. It’s a reminder that every end marks the beginning of something new and exciting. For these young graduates, it’s not just about moving up a grade; it’s about stepping into a world brimming with opportunities to learn, grow, and succeed.

As we celebrate these milestones, we look forward with hope and excitement to the journeys these young minds will embark on. Apeejay School stands as a beacon of learning, guiding its students toward a future filled with promise and success.

The graduation ceremony at Apeejay School, Tanda Road, was more than just an event; it was a celebration of beginnings, achievements, and the endless potential of young minds. As these students move forward, they carry with them the values, knowledge, and skills imparted by their alma mater, ready to embrace the challenges and joys that lie ahead.

We congratulate the UKG graduates on their momentous achievements. We look forward to witnessing the incredible journeys they will undertake in the years to come. Welcome to the next chapter of your educational adventure, dear students. May it be filled with joy, discovery, and unparalleled success.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.

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