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This is the ultimate recipe for your child’s success in the exam!

Ms Maninder Kaur, Social Science Educator at Apeejay School, Model Town, offers valuable tips for parents to support their kids



As the time for examination approaches, parents play a vital role in shaping their children’s journey through this challenging phase. While exams are undoubtedly an important milestone, it’s crucial to remember that they should not define a child’s self-worth. Inevitably, these exams can be hard on the minds of our little wonders, and in that situation, the only thing they look forward to is their parent’s support and an affectionate tap on their shoulder ensuring that everything is in control. Beyond the shadow of doubt, every parent tries their best to create a nurturing environment that fosters not only academic success but also emotional well-being but still it is important to acknowledge the correct way of handling the young minds during exams.

In this guide by a teacher, we will explore some of the dos and don’ts for parents to ensure that their children face the exam with confidence, resilience and a sense of assurance in their abilities. Let’s hear from Ms Maninder Kaur.

1. Be supportive and loving: As s/he is working hard and putting in all the energy and effort into studies, it is important for the kid to know that you are available to help whenever they need you.

2. Create a happy and conducive environmentLet the child feel that s/he can approach you with any problem. You need to ensure you tune in to your child’s feelings and are there to listen to their concerns without any judgment or advice.

3. Focus on the larger goal: Avoid discussions about marks. Instead, direct your conversations with the child toward exam preparation, learning, and effort.

4.  Limit screen time: Don’t make the mistake of allowing the child to have unlimited access to mobile phones all through the year and then closer to the exam banning all gadgets. This will increase tension between you and the kid. Therefore, regulate gadget use the entire year and advise the child to use them minimally during exams.  

5.  Prepare healthy and nutritious meals: It is crucial for the child to consume foods that can give them an extra boost of energy during this tough phase Furthermore, it is necessary for the family to eat meals at the dinner table and share some quality time together.

6.  Ensure the child gets good sleep: Resting in the night for at least 7 to 8 hours   is vital. Therefore, motivate the child to switch off all gadgets at least one hour before bedtime.

Remember, exams are an important part of a child’s academic life, but they must not determine their dignity and self-worth. Hence, create a suitable environment for the child to study and instill confidence and a positive attitude in them.

Good luck for exams!

Please noteThis article has been written by Ms. Maninder Kaur. Views expressed in this article are that of the author only.

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