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Healthy habits for glowing skin

Here’s what school children must know about self-care



Does acne, hair growth and oily skin bother you when you look in the mirror? Don’t worry, you are not alone! All men and women undergo a similar experience and it is only a matter of time till you will find the right solution to attain healthy skin.

But more importantly, in this journey of self-discovery, don’t let unpleasant comments or skin issues reduce your self-confidence. If I were to share valuable advice from my late maternal grandmother, she said, “Beta, (child) remember that these marks or blemishes don’t define you. Learn to treat it as a part of a larger process.” So yes, as a teenager, your skin naturally undergoes a lot of changes due to hormonal fluctuations which can result in acne, oily skin, or dryness. It is therefore crucial to establish a good skincare routine during these formative years.

According to Drishti Kathpalia, an alumna of Apeejay School, Panchsheel Park and a Delhi-based make-up artist says, “Stress, lack of sleep, grab-and-go meals and an erratic schedule, these add to the surging teenage hormones which affect the skin every day. Therefore, as a teenager it is important to keep a simple yet effective skincare routine.”

But the question is how? So, Kathpalia says, “To start with, know your skin type. Next is to cleanse the skin well. If you are experimenting with makeup, playing sports or staying out till late, it will take a toll on your skin. Don’t forget to take care of it. Moreover, moisturise your skin well. Besides, you are never too young to skip SPF – the sooner you start adding sunscreen to your routine, the more likely you are to maintain better collagen levels as you age. This helps to prevent cumulative photo-damage too.” The talented alumna is already a popular practitioner in the city.

Sharing a similar view, Dr Komal Gundewar, a dermatologist and trichologist based in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai says, “Teens, remember a simple formula: CPM – it stands for cleansing, protection and moisturisation of the skin. If you have achieved this, then you are headed in the right direction.”

Rightly shared by the experts! So, let us explore some of these and other tips in greater detail. Read on.

Cleanse Your Face Twice a Day

Wash your face with a gentle cleanser, once in the morning and once at night, to remove dirt, oil, and impurities that can clog pores and cause acne. Use lukewarm water and avoid hot water, as it can strip your skin of its natural oils.

Use a Toner

Toners help remove any remaining dirt or makeup residue, balance your skin’s pH levels, and prepare your skin for the next steps in your skincare routine. But make sure to choose a toner that is alcohol-free and suitable for your skin type.

Moisturise Daily

Moisturising is essential for maintaining healthy skin, even if you have oily skin. Look for a lightweight moisturiser that won’t clog your pores and hydrates your skin without leaving a greasy residue.

Use Sunscreen

Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, even on cloudy days. Apply it 15 minutes before going outside and re-apply every two hours.

Exfoliate Once a Week

Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, which can reduce the appearance of acne and blackheads. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub once a week to avoid damaging your skin.

Don’t Pick or Pop Pimples

Picking or popping pimples can lead to scarring, inflammation, and the spread of bacteria, which can make your acne worse. Instead, use a dermatologist-recommended ointment to help clear up acne.

Avoid Touching Your Face

Touching your face with your hands can transfer dirt, oil, and bacteria to your skin, leading to breakouts. Therefore, refrain from touching your face throughout the day.

Keep Your Hair off Your Face

If you have long hair, keep it away from your face to prevent oil and bacteria from transferring to your skin. Use a hair tie or headband to keep them tidy.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Your skin reflects what you eat, so maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can help improve your skin’s health. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to give your skin the nutrients it needs.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can help keep your skin hydrated, which can improve its overall health and appearance. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin looking its best.

Don’t fret! Taking care of your skin doesn’t necessarily translate to gulping bitter medicines or recipes. Here’s a sure shot one which may make you look and feel healthy. This smoothie contains antioxidants and has been advised by Kathpalia. She says, “Take 1/2 cup plain coconut water which is incredibly hydrating for the skin. Add 2 frozen bananas, 1 cup chopped pineapple – high in vitamin C to make the skin firm and glowing, 1 cup chopped mango, 2 cups spinach or kale, 1/2 avocado, sliced and 1 tablespoon ground flax or flaxseed oil (optional). Then blend it well for at least 3 minutes or until smooth. Add more coconut water if needed to thin it out and drink it. To see a visible difference, ensure to be consistent.

It is important not to experiment too much with products. Finding the right routine is absolutely personal and what may work for everyone else may not work for you. According to Dr Priyanka Arvind Gadge, a consulting dermatologist and cosmetologist practicing in Kharghar and Panvel, Navi Mumbai, “Even a simple soap or face wash may do the trick for you. But if your skin is too oily, then do not go for heavy moisturisers. In case you develop a pimple, don’t touch it or scrap it. Besides, cutting down on fast foods will take you a long way. By following a good diet, you have a better chance at improving your skin. From an early stage itself, taking care of the skin is crucial as it will help you enjoy healthy skin throughout your life.”

Dr Priyanka Ghatge, a medical cosmetology and clinical aesthetics practitioner in Kharghar, Mumbai also shared her advice. As per her, “Teenagers’ skin are naturally healthy. So, refrain from using a lot of products on the face. If you have dry skin then go for hydrating face washes and moisturisers. In case of oily skin, opt for gel-based ones. Again, sunscreen should be chosen according to the skin type. This is part of basic skincare. Besides, avoid sleeping with make-up on at all times.”

When asked when to raise a concern such as acne, she says, “It is most common among teenagers and those with oily-skin. If one has only white and black heads on the face, it is quite manageable with simple home-care routines. Face washes containing mandelic acid or salicylic acid can be your best friends to treat acne. However, if acne persists and menstruation is irregular, do consult a practitioner.”

In her opinion, teen age is the best time to start working towards a healthy skin. This summer, taking a shower twice daily and washing the hair every alternate day to keep the scalp healthy will be a good practice. Most importantly, she suggests students to not get influenced by others’ skincare routine. “Layering the products one after another on teenage skin is not advisable. One must understand that everything with a pleasant odour is not for you.”

So, good luck and don’t let summer become a bummer in your skin ritual! 

Mrini Devnani is a Principal Correspondent and Marketing Coordinator at Newsroom. She covers student achievements, conducts interviews, and contributes content to the website. Previously, she served as a Correspondent specialising in Edu-tech for the India Today Group. Her skill areas extend to Social Media and Digital Marketing. For any inquiries or correspondence, you can reach out to her at [email protected].
