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Continuous learning at the workplace: A win-win for all

Constant skilling ensures that individuals stay adaptable to thrive in ever-evolving industries



In a world where change is the only constant, the adage “knowledge is power” holds truer than ever. Continuous learning has become the cornerstone of personal and professional growth, offering countless benefits in a rapidly evolving landscape.

In today’s rapidly changing world, skills that were relevant yesterday may become obsolete tomorrow. Constant skilling ensures that individuals stay adaptable and equipped to thrive in ever-evolving industries. It’s not just a luxury but a necessity to remain competitive and future-proof your career.

According to Dr Vijay Kumar, Associate Professor, School of Education, Apeejay Stya University, constant skilling is a key mantra to success. If we want to remain two steps ahead of others on the road to success, we should remain vigilant about the domain-specific emerging needs.

“The domain-specific emerging needs can be easily understood by attending association meets, seminars, conferences, or professional networks sites like LinkedIn. Generally, people spend time learning hard skills but do not emphasise soft skills. Upskilling is required not only in hard skills but soft skills or people skills. Emotional Intelligence, communication, collaboration, patience, empathy, and conflict resolution are a few people skills that can create a difference between just being a professional and being a successful professional,” Dr Kumar said.

In the digital age, learning has transcended traditional classroom settings, offering a vast array of avenues to acquire new skills and knowledge. Here, we delve deeper into the diverse ways you can embark on your journey of continuous learning:

Online Courses: The Internet is a treasure trove of educational content. Online courses, offered by universities, e-learning platforms, and professional organisations, cover a broad spectrum of subjects. Whether you want to master a new programming language, delve into data science, or learn a new language, there’s likely an online course that suits your needs. These courses often come with flexibility in terms of pacing and accessibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

Workshops and Seminars: Attending workshops and seminars provides hands-on experience and valuable interaction with experts in various fields. Workshops are particularly effective for skills that require practical application like cooking, art, or woodworking. Seminars, on the other hand, offer insights and discussions on specific topics, allowing you to deepen your understanding.

Reading Books: Books remain an invaluable source of knowledge and skill acquisition. Whether you prefer physical books or e-books, you can find a wealth of information on virtually any subject. Reading books provides an in-depth exploration of topics and allows you to learn at your own pace. From self-help and technical manuals to biographies and novels, books are a timeless resource.

Podcasts: In the era of multitasking, podcasts have gained popularity as a convenient way to learn on the go. Podcast hosts and guests often share insights, expertise, and valuable advice on a wide range of subjects. You can listen to podcasts during your commute, workout, or while doing household chores, making it an efficient way to fit learning into your daily routine.

Networking and Mentoring: Building relationships with experts in your field or mentors can provide invaluable guidance and hands-on experience. Networking allows you to connect with professionals who can share their knowledge and offer insights. A mentor, on the other hand, can provide personalised guidance, answer questions, and help you navigate your learning journey more effectively.

Hands-On Practice: For many skills, there’s no substitute for hands-on practice. Whether you’re learning to play a musical instrument, cook a new cuisine, or develop coding skills, actively engaging in the skill-building process is essential. Practice, trial, and error are key components of mastering any skill.

Educational Apps: Mobile apps offer bite-sized learning opportunities. Whether you’re interested in language learning, mathematics, mindfulness, or a wide range of other skills, there are apps designed to make learning accessible and engaging. These apps often incorporate gamification elements to keep you motivated.

Continuous learning isn’t just about staying up to date; it can significantly impact job satisfaction, earning potential, and career opportunities. Those who embrace lifelong learning tend to enjoy their work more, as they are more likely to be engaged in tasks that challenge and excite them. They are also better positioned for salary increases and promotions, as they acquire skills that are in high demand.

They play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of continuous learning within the workplace. By investing in their employees’ growth and development through training programs, mentorship, and other resources, companies not only empower their workforce but also reap numerous benefits in terms of employee engagement, innovation, and adaptability. In the ever-evolving world of business, embracing continuous learning is not just a choice but a strategic imperative.

Here’s how employers can play a pivotal role in promoting continuous learning within the workplace.

1.       Employers can create structured training programmes that address both immediate job-related skills and broader personal development.

2.       Offering financial support or tuition reimbursement not only demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to employee growth but also helps employees acquire advanced skills.

3.       Establishing mentorship and coaching programs allows experienced employees to guide and support those looking to acquire new skills or advance their careers.

4.       Employers can provide access to a variety of learning resources and tools, including online courses, books, and subscriptions to educational platforms.

5.       Encouraging employees to work on cross-functional projects or job rotations can expose them to new skills and perspectives.

6.       Employers can recognise and reward employees who actively engage in continuous learning.

7.       Offering flexible work arrangements can help employees balance their work and learning commitments.

8.       Regular feedback and performance evaluations can help employees identify areas for improvement and set goals for their learning journeys.

The importance of continuous learning in today’s rapidly changing world cannot be overstated. It is the key to personal and professional growth, offering myriad benefits and opportunities.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.

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