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By 2035, I want to be a better version of myself!



By Pari Bhutani

As a 15-year-old, the world is full of endless possibilities and exciting opportunities. It’s a time when we start to envision our future, set goals, and dream big. Looking ahead to the year 2035, I can’t help but imagine the person I want to become – a better version of myself.

When I think about being a better version of myself, it’s not just about achieving material success or reaching a particular milestone. It’s about personal growth, self-improvement, and making a positive impact on the world around me.

One area where I aspire to grow is my education. By 2035, I want to be a well-rounded individual with a broad knowledge base. I envision myself as a lifelong learner, constantly seeking new knowledge and expanding my horizons. Whether it’s through formal education, traveling, or engaging in meaningful conversations, I want to soak up as much wisdom and understanding as I can.

But education doesn’t stop at acquiring knowledge; it’s about applying that knowledge to make a difference. By 2035, I want to have found my passion and pursued it with dedication and perseverance. Whether it’s in the field of science, arts, technology, or any other domain, I want to contribute to society and make a positive impact. I want to use my skills and expertise to address pressing global issues like climate change, social inequality, and access to quality education.

Becoming a better version of myself also means cultivating strong values and a compassionate heart. By 2035, I want to have developed a deep sense of empathy and understanding for others. I want to be someone who actively listens, supports, and uplifts those around me. Whether it’s volunteering for a cause I believe in or simply lending a helping hand to someone in need, I want to make kindness and compassion the core of my being.

Moreover, I believe that personal growth goes hand in hand with taking care of my physical and mental well-being. By 2035, I want to have established healthy habits that nurture both my body and mind. This includes regular exercise, eating nutritious food, practicing mindfulness, and prioritising self-care. I want to live a balanced life that allows me to thrive and be the best version of myself in all aspects.

In addition to personal growth, I also aspire to cultivate strong relationships and connections with people who inspire and challenge me. By 2035, I want to have built a supportive network of friends, mentors, and like-minded individuals who push me to grow and reach new heights. These relationships will not only contribute to my personal development but also provide a strong support system during both successes and setbacks.

Lastly, being a better version of myself means embracing change and being adaptable. The world is evolving rapidly, and by 2035, I expect it to be vastly different from what it is today. I want to be open to new ideas, willing to embrace innovation, and ready to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I believe that having a growth mindset and being adaptable will be crucial in shaping the person I become.

As I embark on this journey to becoming a better version of myself, I know it won’t be without its ups and downs. There will be setbacks, obstacles, and moments of self-doubt. But I am determined to persevere, learn from my mistakes, and keep moving forward.

By 2035, I want to look back at my journey with pride, knowing that I have grown into the person I aspired to be. I want to have made a positive impact on the world, no matter how small, and inspire others to embark on their own journeys of personal growth and self-improvement.

The road to becoming a better version of myself may be long and challenging, but I believe that with dedication, resilience, and a commitment to continuous improvement, I can make it a reality. So here’s to the future, where endless possibilities await and dreams can become our reality.

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