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Embracing the hostel life: Finding home away from home



By Shweta Kumari

For college students, particularly those venturing away from home for the first time, the hostel lifestyle can be a transformative experience that goes beyond mere accommodation. Here are some key learnings that I have learned by embracing the hostel lifestyle at Apeejay Institute of Management and Engineering Technical Campus, Jalandhar.

  1. Community and Connection: Hostel provided me with an invaluable opportunity to build connections and form friendships with peers from diverse backgrounds. The shared living spaces and communal areas foster a sense of camaraderie and belonging, creating a supportive network of like-minded individuals navigating similar academic and personal journeys.
  1. Independence and Responsibility: Living in a hostel requires college students to take ownership of their daily routines and responsibilities, from managing their finances to maintaining cleanliness in shared spaces. This newfound independence fosters personal growth and self-reliance, empowering me to develop essential life skills that will serve me well beyond my college years.
  1. Cultural Exchange: Hostels attract students from around the world, offering me a rich opportunity for cultural exchange and exposure to different perspectives. Engaging with fellow students allows me to broaden my horizons, challenge my assumptions, and develop a more nuanced understanding of global issues—a valuable complement to my academic studies.
  1. Budget-Friendly Accommodation: With tuition fees and living expenses on the rise, hostel living provides a cost-effective alternative to renting an apartment. By opting for shared rooms, college students can stretch their limited budgets further, freeing up funds for other educational or extracurricular pursuits.
  2. Academic Support and Resources: Our Campus hostel offers amenities such as study lounges, high-speed internet access, and quiet spaces conducive to academic work. For me, seeking a productive environment outside of campus libraries or classrooms, hostel serves as convenient and comfortable spaces to study, collaborate on group projects, or catch up on assignments.

In the end: The hostel lifestyle offered me a unique opportunity to blend academic pursuits with personal growth, cultural exploration, and meaningful connections. By embracing hostel living, students can find a home away from home—a supportive community where they can thrive academically, socially, and personally. So, whether embarking on a semester abroad or simply looking for an alternative to traditional campus housing, college students stand to gain a wealth of experiences and memories by embracing the hostel lifestyle like me.
