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8 ways to retain more of every book you read 



By Jishmaan

Reading is not just about consuming words, it’s about retaining and applying the knowledge gained. Here are 8 effective ways to enhance your ability to retain more from every book you read : 

1. Active reading : Enhance the material activity by asking questions, making predictions, and connecting new information with what you already know. This approach keeps your mind focused on promoting better retention. 

2. Take notes : Write down key points summaries and your own thoughts as you read this not only reinforce your understanding but also provide a quick reference for later review 

3. Create mind maps : Chalk out the visual image of the information in the form of mind maps. This can help you see the connections between concepts. 

4. Discuss with others : Sharing and discussing what you have read with others help solidify your understanding as well as expose you to different perspectives, enhancing your overall comprehension. 

5. Teach what you have learned : Teach the material to someone else,. even if it is an imaginary audience. Explaining concepts in your own words referees enforce your understanding and highlights the areas where you may need further Clarification. 

6. Set goals and breaks : establish reading goals and take breaks to avoid burden. Short breaks between feeding sessions improve concentration and help in retaining information over a more extended period. 

7. Utilise multiple senses : Engage multiple senses while reading. Utilise senses, hear the word in your head or even use gestures to reinforce the material. This multi sensory approach enhances memory retention. 

8. Review regularly : Particularly visit the material you have read. Regular revisions, especially space reputation, strengthen your memory and help move information from short term to long term storage. 

Incorporating these strategies into your reading routine can significantly improve your ability to retain and apply the information gained from each book. remember comma the goal is not just to finish the book but apply the lessons in your real life.

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