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5 habits every parent must teach their children

Incorporating these habits into your parenting approach lays a solid foundation for your children’s holistic development and lifelong success.



Parenting is an intricate balancing act of guiding children towards becoming responsible, compassionate individuals. In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s essential not to overlook foundational habits that can profoundly shape their futures.

Here are five good habits every parent should instil in their children, backed by research and expert insights:

Reading: Unlocking an inner world

Research consistently shows that reading is one of the most beneficial habits parents can cultivate in their children. According to a study published in the journal Pediatrics, reading aloud to children promotes language development, enhances literacy skills, and fosters a love for learning from an early age. Additionally, Dr Alice Sullivan from the University College London found that children who read for pleasure perform better academically across various subjects.

Encourage your children to explore different genres, visit libraries, and discuss their favourite books. By making reading a cherished part of your family routine, you not only expand their knowledge but also stimulate their imagination and empathy.

Doing chores: Building responsibility

The importance of assigning chores to children cannot be overstated. Research conducted by Marty Rossmann, a professor at the University of Mississippi, revealed that involving children in household chores from a young age leads to greater success in adulthood. Rossmann’s longitudinal study spanning 25 years found that children who started doing chores at age three or four were more likely to have successful relationships, achieve academic and early career success and be self-sufficient later in life.

Chores instil responsibility, accountability and a sense of contribution to the family unit. By assigning age-appropriate tasks and praising their efforts, you empower your children to become capable, independent individuals.

Family time: Cultivating connections

Research underscores the profound impact of family bonding on children’s emotional well-being and development. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that frequent family dinners are associated with lower levels of substance abuse, depression and delinquency among adolescents. Additionally, family activities promote positive communication, strengthen familial bonds, and create a supportive environment for children to thrive.

Whether it’s cooking together, playing board games or embarking on outdoor adventures, prioritise quality family time in your schedule. These moments not only nurture strong relationships but also provide children with a sense of security and belonging.

Teach them to be polite: Sprinkling kindness

Politeness is a cornerstone of social interaction and emotional intelligence. Research conducted by Dr John Gottman, a renowned psychologist, emphasises the importance of teaching children empathy and respect for others. Gottman’s studies reveal that acts of kindness and politeness create positive social dynamics, enhance communication skills, and foster healthy relationships.

Model polite behaviour in your interactions with others and encourage your children to practise courtesy in their daily interactions. From saying “please” and “thank you” to showing appreciation and consideration for others’ feelings, politeness cultivates empathy and strengthens interpersonal connections.

Discover their passion(s): Igniting the spark within

Encouraging children to pursue their interests and passions is crucial for their personal growth and fulfilment. Research by Dr Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a leading psychologist, highlights the concept of “flow,” where individuals experience deep engagement and satisfaction in activities they are passionate about. By supporting their exploration of different hobbies and interests, you empower children to discover their strengths, build confidence, and develop a sense of purpose.

Expose your children to diverse experiences and encourage them to follow their curiosity. Whether it’s sports, music, art or science, provide opportunities for them to explore and excel in areas that resonate with their interests and talents.

Incorporating these habits into your parenting approach lays a solid foundation for your children’s holistic development and lifelong success. Embrace each opportunity to nurture, guide and inspire your children, for the habits you instil today will shape the trajectory of their future.

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