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10 amazing study hacks to improve your grades 

Enhance your study routine with these effective strategies for academic success



Studying effectively is crucial for academic success. However, it can be challenging to find the right strategies and techniques that work best for you. Fortunately, there are several study hacks that can help boost your grades and make your learning experience more efficient and enjoyable. In this article, we will explore ten amazing study hacks that will enhance your study routine and lead to improved academic performance.

1. Use technology to your advantage: Explore educational apps, online platforms, and digital tools that can enhance your learning experience. These resources can provide interactive study materials, virtual flashcards, and practice quizzes, making your studying more engaging and effective.

Siya Mahajan, a class XI student of Apeejay School, Rama Mandi, shares her insight, “Using technology to enhance my learning has been a game-changer for me. Educational apps and online tools provide interactive study materials that make studying engaging and effective. It’s like having a personal study assistant right at my fingertips.”

2. Teach what you’ve learned: Teach the material to someone else, whether it’s a study partner, a friend, or even an imaginary audience. Explaining concepts in your own words helps solidify your understanding and highlights areas that need further clarification.

3. Create visual aids: Visual aids such as diagrams, flowcharts, mind maps, or concept maps can be powerful tools for organising information and making complex topics more digestible. Visual representations enhance memory retention and facilitate the recall of key concepts during exams.

4. Join study groups: Collaborating with peers in study groups can be highly beneficial. Discussing and debating topics, sharing perspectives, and teaching one another can deepen your understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, group members can offer support, motivation, and fresh insights.

5. Practice active reading: Develop active reading habits by previewing chapters or sections before diving in. Skim through headings, subheadings, and summaries to grasp the main ideas. Take notes, underline important points, and ask yourself questions while reading to stay engaged and extract valuable information.

6. Utilise online resources: Take advantage of online resources such as educational websites, forums, and video tutorials. Websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, and TED-Ed offer a wealth of educational content that can complement your learning and provide alternative explanations of challenging concepts.

7. Utilise memory techniques: Explore memory techniques like the Method of Loci (associating information with specific locations in a familiar setting) or the Feynman Technique (explaining concepts in simple terms) to enhance your memory recall and comprehension of complex subjects.

Another class XI student, Prathamesh Srivastava of Apeejay School International, Greater Noida, emphasises the value of memory techniques. He says, “I’ve found memory techniques to be incredibly helpful in tackling complex subjects. The Method of Loci and the Feynman Technique have boosted my memory recall and comprehension, making studying challenging topics much more manageable.”

8. Take care of your mental and physical well-being: Prioritise self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and mindfulness practices. Managing stress, getting regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy diet can optimise your mental and physical well-being, ultimately boosting your cognitive function and academic performance.

9. Seek help when needed: Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re struggling with a particular subject or concept. Reach out to your teachers, professors, classmates, or academic support services. Seeking assistance early can prevent knowledge gaps and ensure a solid foundation for future learning.

10. Review and revise regularly: Schedule regular review sessions to reinforce your understanding of previously learned material. Repetition is key to long-term retention, so allocate time each week to revisit past topics and review your notes. Spaced repetition techniques, such as using flashcards or reviewing older study materials periodically, can enhance your memory recall over time.

In summary, incorporating these additional study hacks into your routine will give you a diverse toolkit of strategies to maximise your learning potential and achieve improved grades. Experiment with different techniques to discover what works best for you and adapt your study routine accordingly. Happy studying!

Divya is a Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom. She has a degree of Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication. She was a former sub-editor at News 24. Her passion for writing has always contributed to her professional and personal growth.

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