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Book Review

The story of deception, betrayal and revenge

Exploring why Shakespeare’s Hamlet has something to offer for every generation



‘To be or not to be, that is the question’. 

But I would change the sentence a bit, keeping in mind our millennials and their reading habits. The new age soliloquy would begin with

‘To read or not to read, that is the question’

So, here’s presenting four captivating reasons to pick up Hamlet by Shakespeare

A plot with everything – Ghost, blood, vengeance, love kindness and repentance

Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays, is a timeless tragedy that continues to captivate audiences around the world. The play’s plot revolves around Prince Hamlet of Denmark, who grapples with grief, revenge, and the complexities of human nature. This intricate narrative serves as the foundation for exploring the literary heritage of Shakespeare and the enduring impact of Hamlet in the world of literature.

Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, Hamlet begins with the ghostly appearance of King Hamlet, the deceased father of Prince Hamlet. The ghost reveals that he was murdered by his own brother, Claudius, who has since married Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude, and ascended the throne. Consumed by grief and suspicion, Hamlet is driven to seek vengeance for his father’s death. The play unfolds with themes of deception, betrayal, and the inner turmoil of the human psyche, culminating in a tragic and heartrending finale.

If you haven’t read Hamlet, you have read nothing at all

Shakespeare’s literary heritage is unparalleled, and Hamlet stands as a testament to his mastery of language, character, and storytelling. Often referred to as the “Bard of Avon,” Shakespeare is celebrated for his ability to explore the depths of human emotions and present universal themes that resonate with readers across time and culture. In Hamlet, he delves into complex psychological states, capturing the intricacies of human thought and behaviour, making the characters and their motivations utterly compelling and relatable.

Dialogues and characters that have lived for more than 400 years

Hamlet is filled with iconic dialogues and memorable characters that have become an integral part of literary history. The soliloquies, particularly “To be, or not to be,” have become emblematic of Shakespeare’s ability to probe the human condition. The play’s characters, such as the tormented Prince Hamlet, the conniving Claudius, the innocent Ophelia, and the philosophical Horatio, are brilliantly crafted and have left an indelible mark on the literary landscape. Additionally, the character of the ghost of King Hamlet adds an eerie and supernatural dimension to the narrative, heightening the play’s intensity.

Haider-Its Bollywood adaptation!

The enduring popularity of Hamlet has not been limited to the realm of literature; it has found success in cinema adaptations as well. Numerous film versions have brought the tragic tale to the silver screen, each offering its own interpretation and vision. One notable adaptation is Kenneth Branagh’s 1996 film, which remains faithful to the original text while presenting stunning visuals and powerful performances. Moreover, Bollywood’s adaptation of Hamlet, titled “Haider” released in 2014, directed by Vishal Bhardwaj, transplants the story to the backdrop of the Kashmir conflict in India. The film’s reimagining of the play’s themes in a contemporary context resonated with audiences and received critical acclaim for its bold storytelling and stellar acting.

So no more Hamlet style ‘delay’ in reading!

In conclusion, Hamlet is a masterful play that stands as a testament to William Shakespeare’s literary genius. The intricacies of the plot, coupled with the enduring appeal of the characters and dialogues, make it a timeless classic that continues to enthrall readers and audiences alike. Shakespeare’s literary heritage is enriched by the profound exploration of human nature and universal themes in Hamlet. Furthermore, the play’s influence extends beyond the page and has found success in various cinematic adaptations, proving its versatility and enduring power as a story that speaks to the depths of the human soul.

A talented correspondent writing special articles, interviews and also doing video coverages. Alongside being a poet, short story writer and football player in the time he finds away from work. You can read Arijit's literary pieces and watch his performances easily on the internet. He can be reached at [email protected] and [email protected]
