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CBSE issues advisory for class 10th and 12th students to use Delhi Metro amid farmer’s protest



The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a crucial advisory for students scheduled to appear for the Class 10th and 12th board examinations, as Delhi grapples with traffic restrictions due to ongoing farmers’ protests. The advisory, released on Wednesday, urges students to plan their commute meticulously, considering potential disruptions caused by the “Delhi Chalo” march.

As the board exams are approaching and are yet to commence on February 15, the CBSE has emphasised the significance of punctuality. For the same, they have instructed students to arrive at the examination centers well before 10:00 am. Post this, they entry will not be permitted, reinforcing the need for students to factor in any possible delays.

Recognising the reliability of the Delhi Metro during these times, the CBSE has encouraged students to utilize this mode of transportation, given its continued operation without certain disruptions. This recommendation aims to mitigate the challenges posed by the traffic restrictions.

In acknowledgment of the diverse geographical origins of examinees, the CBSE has called upon students from across the country and abroad to prudently plan their journeys, considering local conditions, traffic variations, weather conditions, and the distance from their respective examination halls. This holistic approach seeks to ensure that candidates are well-prepared for potential hurdles.

The CBSE has also extended its plea to schools, requesting their assistance in guiding candidates effectively on the examination day. This collaborative effort between the board and educational institutions aims to create a supportive environment for students during a period marked by logistical challenges.

With over 39 lakh students participating in the Class 10th and 12th board examinations, including 5,80,192 students from Delhi, the epicenter of the farmers’ protests, the CBSE has meticulously arranged 877 examination centers in the national capital. However, the prevailing situation has led to considerable traffic congestion at various locations, necessitating this advisory to ensure the smooth conduct of the exams.

Wrapping up, the CBSE’s advisory underscores the importance of foresight and preparation for both students and educational institutions. By addressing potential concerns related to transportation and logistics, the board aims to facilitate a fair and stress-free examination process for the multitude of students involved. This guidance becomes especially crucial amid the backdrop of the farmers’ protests and the resultant traffic restrictions in Delhi.
