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Science Made Easy: ‘Read the question paper thoroughly to manage time’

A Biology educator at Apeejay School, Rama Mandi advises students to choose words wisely for subjective questions



Exams can be stressful for everyone. Even the brightest students can sometimes find it daunting on the day of the exam. Exam fever and anxiety are part and parcel of student life, especially when it comes to subjects like Math and Science. However, this need not be the case if students follow a correct study strategy and attempt the question paper on the day of the exam with a thought-out plan.

According to Monisha Sharma, PGT, Biology at Apeejay School, Rama Mandi who teaches classes VI to XII, it is very important for students, especially those in class IX to have a strategy in place on how they will attempt the question paper. Even students in classes VI to VIII need to be careful when it comes to attempting MCQs,” Sharma said and shared five things to do the day before the exam.

Review NCERT Textbooks Thoroughly: Make sure you understand the material well, as it’s essential for answering MCQs, conceptual questions, and more detailed answers. Read every line of the book; don’t miss out on anything.

Plan Your Answers: Think about potential exam questions and how you would answer them. This preparation can help streamline your thought process during the exam.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep: Rest is crucial for your brain to function at its best during the exam.

Organise Your Materials: Ensure you have all necessary supplies (pens, pencils, eraser, ID card) ready for the next day.

Stay Calm and Positive: Confidence is key. Review your notes briefly, but avoid cramming. Trust in your preparation.

“Just as it is to be well-prepared for the exam, it is just as necessary to attempt the question paper on the day of the exam in a proper manner to score well,” Sharma said and added that it is extremely important to take advantage of the 15 minutes that is given to the students to read the question paper properly.

10 tips on how to attempt the question paper

·         Use the reading time to understand the instructions, sections, and choices provided.

·         Decide which questions you’ll answer first based on your strengths and the marks allocated.

·         Answer multiple-choice questions quickly to allocate more time to descriptive answers.

·         Answer questions in sequence to avoid confusion for the person marking your paper. However, you can answer questions you know well first, especially if they’re within the same section.

·         Stick to answering questions section by section to keep your answers organised.

·         Choose your words wisely for subjective questions. Make sure your intent and answer are clear.

·         Respect the word limit for each answer to manage your time effectively and cover all questions. Do not spend 10 minutes answering a question that is of 2 marks. It should not take more than two to three minutes to answer such questions.

·         Allocate specific time to questions based on their marks. Leave five-10 minutes at the end for review.

·         Use diagrams wisely. Incorporate diagrams in subjects like Biology to enhance explanations, but only if time allows and it’s relevant.

·         Write neatly, avoid overwriting or excessive cutting, and use diagrams where appropriate. Label diagrams clearly with a sharp pencil.

“Knowing how marks are allocated helps prioritise your efforts during the exam. Check for mistakes or omitted points while revising. Remember, proper preparation and a strategic approach on exam day can significantly impact your performance,” Sharma said in conclusion.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.
