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A transformative workshop on self-love and mental health

Apeejay School, Noida, organised a workshop to navigate adolescence with confidence and resilience



In the fast-paced and increasingly demanding world we live in, the importance of mental health and self-love cannot be overstated. Schools, being a second home to children and adolescents, hold a pivotal role in shaping not just their academic futures but their overall well-being. Hosting workshops focused on self-love and mental health in educational institutions is not merely beneficial but it is essential.

To evoke a sense of awareness amongst students, Apeejay School, Noida, organised a workshop which was led by a proficient Clinical Psychologist, Ms Ayesha Arshi, who is a certified expressive art therapist and aims to equip students with coping mechanisms and strategies to navigate the complexities of adolescents.

Ms Arshi, brought her wealth of expertise to the forefront, deeply engaging students with her comprehensive understanding of mental health and well-being.

The workshop cultivated an environment of open dialogue, encouraging students to comfortably share their personal experiences and concerns related to self-esteem and self-love.

Through interactive discussions, students gained valuable insights into the common challenges of adolescence, enhancing their understanding and coping strategies. Ms Arshi, provided students with practical solutions and techniques to nurture their self-esteem and practice self-love in their daily lives.

Abhilasha Munjal is a Senior Correspondent with Apeejay Newsroom. She has completed her Bachelor's degree in English from Delhi University. Abhilasha holds vivid knowledge about content and has predominantly covered local as well as trending stories in the digital media.
