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‘About my favourite season’



I love winter season. Do you know how seasons are changing? The earth is tilting in its axis 23.5 degrees away from the sun, and that’s how the winter season starts. Snow fall happens during the winter, crystals of ice falling on the earth are called snow. In rain bearing clouds are below freezing point water droplets change into ice crystals and fall as snow.

As ice crystals fall, they can bundle together with other ice crystals and form snowflakes. Snowflakes have unique designs and shapes. Sometimes, falling snowflakes are covered with a thin film of water. This binds them into fluffy clumps called wet snow.

Many animals hibernate in winter season and birds migrate from one country to another country. We can see rare birds during the winter season. People wear woolen clothes during winter to keep their bodies warm. People cultivate fruits and vegetables like apples, kiwi, oranges, pomegranate, lettuce, broccoli, and brussels sprout etc.

December, January and February are the coldest month in India. During the winter season, nights are long, and days are short. We get to experience many festivals like Dussehra, Lohri, and Christmas.

I feel very active in winter because I sweat less. My mother prepares hot tea and snacks in winter. She covers me and my brother with woolen clothes and I love to sleep in winter.

When the winter break starts, we go to visit our hometown to enjoy mother nature. Our hometown is fully decorated with lights and stars to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ (Christmas).

This makes me love winter season with lots of sweet memories.
