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CBSE launches free tele-counselling to address exam stress



The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced a free tele-counselling service aimed at alleviating exam-related stress among students and parents. This initiative, a part of CBSE’s broader efforts to support mental well-being during the critical exam period, underscores the Board’s commitment to student welfare.

Recognising the anxiety experienced post-exams, CBSE has made this service available 24/7 until May 21, accessible via a toll-free number listed on the CBSE website. This annual programme, in its 26 year, connects those in need with a team of 65 professionals, including principals, counselors, special educators, and psychologists. The primary goal is to provide tools for managing exam stress and navigating results healthily.

This initiative, widely supported by industry leaders, demonstrates CBSE’s responsiveness to the evolving needs of students, promoting a healthier educational environment where students are empowered to navigate challenges with confidence and resilience.
