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10 books to revolutionise communication at the workplace

Proper communication can help to avoid misunderstandings that can arise from misinterpretations of information or instructions



Having proper communication in the workplace is crucial for several reasons, impacting everything from team cohesion to productivity and employee satisfaction. Effective communication ensures that team members understand their roles, the tasks at hand, and how best to achieve their objectives. It fosters a sense of community, making it easier for team members to work together and share ideas.

Clear and open communication helps employees feel valued and understood. When employees are engaged, they are more likely to be committed to their work and the organization, leading to lower turnover rates. Proper communication can help to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts that can arise from misinterpretations of information or instructions. This leads to a more harmonious work environment and can save time and resources that might otherwise be spent resolving issues.

Improving communication skills is essential for professional success, especially in diverse and dynamic work environments like those in India. Here are 10 highly recommended books that can help enhance communication skills in the workplace. These books offer valuable insights and practical strategies that are applicable globally, including in the Indian work context.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: A timeless classic that offers principles on how to communicate more effectively, build rapport, and influence others positively.

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler: This book provides techniques for handling high-stakes conversations with confidence and skill, making it especially useful in a professional setting.

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B Rosenberg: The author introduces a method of communication that fosters mutual respect and understanding, which is crucial in a diverse workplace.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B Cialdini: Understanding the principles of influence is key in negotiations, sales, and leadership. This book delves into the psychology behind why people say “yes” and how to apply these understandings ethically in business.

Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds by Carmine Gallo: Effective public speaking is a critical communication skill in the workplace. Gallo’s analysis of TED Talks provides insights into making presentations more impactful.

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman: Emotional intelligence is a cornerstone of effective communication. Goleman’s book highlights its importance in leadership and collaboration.

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath: This book explores the attributes that make ideas memorable and how to communicate more effectively to ensure your ideas stick.

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People by Gary Chapman and Paul White: Adapted from Chapman’s original concept of love languages, this book applies the idea to the workplace to enhance employee appreciation and motivation.

The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business by Erin Meyer: With India’s increasingly global business environment, understanding cultural differences in communication is crucial. Meyer’s book provides insights into navigating these complexities.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain: The book is a reminder of the strengths of introverts and offers insights into how workplaces can foster an environment where both introverts and extroverts can thrive.

These books cover a wide range of communication aspects, from public speaking and persuasion to emotional intelligence and cultural sensitivity. Reading and applying the principles from these books can significantly enhance communication skills, leading to better relationships and success in the workplace.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.
