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UGC implements new refund fee policy



The University Grants Commission (UGC) established a new fee refund policy for the academic session 2024-25. It has mandated that students who cancel or withdraw their admissions within a certain period will be entitled to a refund of their fees. Specifically, a 100% refund will be available to students who withdraw 15 days or more before the formally notified last date of admission. For withdrawals within 15 days of the last date, students will receive a 90% refund.

The UGC policy further specifies that a full refund, minus a processing fee of up to Rs 1,000, will be granted for cancellations and migrations up to September 30, 2024. For withdrawals up to October 31, 2024, a similar processing fee will apply, but no further details on the percentage were provided. The refund schedule continues with 80% of the fees refundable for cancellations made within 15 days after the last admission date, 50% refundable up to 30 days, and no refunds provided after 30 days.

This policy applies to all higher education institutions established or incorporated by Central or State Acts, those recognised by the UGC under clause (f) Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, and institutions deemed universities under Section 3 of the same act. Additionally, it includes all institutions affiliated with a university.

This move is part of a broader effort to make the higher education system more flexible and student-friendly, reflecting changes also seen in the introduction of admissions twice a year starting from the 2024-25 academic session.

These new guidelines aim to provide financial relief and support to students, ensuring they have the flexibility to make decisions about their education without undue financial burden.
