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AI key to cybersecurity growth, survey finds



In a recent survey conducted by OpenText Cybersecurity, a leading global technology provider, key revelations underscore the burgeoning significance of AI-driven security services. Garnering responses from over 1,500 Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs), the survey illuminates a compelling narrative: 92.5% of businesses identify the integration of AI-driven security and threat intelligence services as pivotal drivers of business growth within the upcoming year.

Representing a cross-section of companies listed in the FTSE100 and Fortune 500 indices, respondents emphasised the incorporation of AI into security frameworks as both a primary challenge and a paramount opportunity for MSPs and MSSPs alike. The adoption of AI-enhanced security measures is deemed indispensable for augmenting the efficacy and efficiency of existing security teams and tools.

Significantly, 83% of surveyed MSPs and MSSPs reported a surge in business activity propelled by heightened interest in AI-based security tools and expertise. A noteworthy 34% identified aiding customers in integrating AI into their security architectures as their foremost challenge. Notably, AI technologies are viewed not as replacements for human involvement but as complements, enriching the capabilities of security personnel and platforms.

Key findings highlight a notable shift in priorities towards embedded AI and comprehensive security solutions from single vendors. A vast majority (92.5%) foresee AI investments and the provision of AI security services as pivotal for business expansion. Additionally, over 80% of respondents currently offer AI-related security services, with 62% planning to incorporate such services within the next twelve months.

The survey, encompassing insights from 1,577 managers, C-level executives, and security specialists across countries, underscores the evolution of customer priorities towards expertise in security and AI. As demand for comprehensive security solutions surges, OpenText Cybersecurity remains committed to supporting partners and customers in navigating the dynamic threat landscape, ensuring resilient security measures for future growth.
