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‘Studied almost 14 hours daily,’ says NEET topper 

Aaryan Suri from Apeejay School, Mahavir Marg scores 715 out of 720 in the exam



Both the parents of Aaryan Suri, who completed his 10+2 from Apeejay School, Mahavir Marg, are doctors. And that’s what initially inspired him to pursue his career in the medical field.  Aaryan gave the NEET-UG exam. And has scored an impressive 715 out of 720. Having achieved an All India Rank of 118, the medical aspirant shares about his preparation strategy.

Read edited excerpts:  

How do you feel about scoring so well in NEET?
Securing such a score feels like a dream come true. My parents are more elated than I am. I feel really amazing!

Have you shortlisted the colleges you would like to enroll in? 
Initially, I was expecting a better rank at this score but results have seen an all time high inflation, so I have to reconsider my options. 

How did you decide to pursue medicine?
⁠Initial motivation came from my parents. Both of them are doctors. Subsequently, when I was introduced to different topics such as “life processes” and “why do we fall ill” via the curriculum, I was sure that I would want to pursue this field as my career. 

What was your schedule like during your preparation?
When I was in class 11, I managed to balance studies as well as hobbies by devoting 5-6 hours daily for studies. Eventually, when I got promoted to class 12, my study hours increased and increased even further to 12-14 hrs during the last 4-5 months. Thus, time management became the key during the preparation. 

Can you share some preparation tips for NEET aspirants?
⁠My guidance to future aspirants would be to understand the concept first and get sufficient practice on those concepts by practicing related questions. Master NCERT for biology and organic and inorganic chemistry. And give at least 1-2 readings to Physics NCERT as well. 

In what ways did your parents and teachers at Apeejay support you?
⁠Parents as well as teachers played enormous role in my success. Parents provided me with all the necessities required and demanded. Teachers, on the other hand, cleared my doubts at topmost priority and made concepts crystal clear. They supported me a lot to do self study. 

Harshita is Assistant Editor at Apeejay Newsroom. With experience in both the Media and Public Relations (PR) world, she has worked with Careers360, India Today and Value360 Communications. A learner by nature, she is a foodie, traveller and believes in having a healthy work-life balance.
