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NEET UG 2024: ‘Consistency, discipline, and quality study are paramount’

This topper from Apeejay School, Pitampura, shares her insights on overcoming challenges, finding balance, and aiming for excellence in the pursuit of a medical career



Lakshita Buswala, a determined student from Apeejay School, Pitampura, recently secured a commendable score of 680 out of 720 in NEET 2024, earning a rank of 8865. Despite her aspirations for a higher rank, she remains grateful for the support of her family, teachers, and the nurturing environment of her school. In an exclusive telephonic conversation, she shares her journey, challenges, and valuable insights for future aspirants.

Read edited excerpts:

Could you share your initial reaction upon checking your NEET score?
When I first saw my NEET score, I was taken aback. I had anticipated a rank below 2000 based on my calculated score of 680, but reality presented a different picture. The early arrival of the scorecard and the inflated rank left me disheartened initially.

How did you manage your study routine alongside other activities during your preparation?
Study became an integral part of my daily life during the two-year preparation period. While I didn’t clock my study hours, I ensured it was a consistent part of my routine. I took breaks when needed and found solace in conversations with family members and cousins who are already pursuing medical careers.

How did your school contribute to your success in NEET?
Apeejay School played a pivotal role in shaping my foundation, particularly in subjects like biology. Teachers provided unwavering support and encouraged practical learning, which sparked my interest further. The flexibility and understanding of teachers during exams were also invaluable.

What study resources did you find most helpful during your preparation?
I primarily relied on NCERT textbooks for all four subjects. While physics initially posed a challenge, the guidance of my teachers and persistent practice helped me overcome it.

What motivated you to pursue a career in medicine?

Witnessing the respect and nobility associated with the profession, coupled with familial encouragement, fuelled my aspiration to become a doctor. Regular interactions with elder cousins and the unwavering support of my parents solidified my determination.

How did you manage distractions and maintain focus on your studies?
Connecting with friends and family during moments of distraction proved beneficial. Knowing that others faced similar challenges reassured me, and the encouragement from my parents helped alleviate moments of doubt.

Could you elaborate on the role your brother played in your NEET preparation?
My brother, Yuvraj Buswala, was a constant source of support and encouragement during my NEET preparation. Despite being in a different academic stream, his motivation helped me stay focused during challenging times. From offering advice to assisting with registration processes, his unwavering support was invaluable. Knowing that he believed in me fuelled my determination to excel.

Could you share your strategy for balancing board exams, extracurricular activities, and NEET preparation?
Since the syllabus overlaps, I focused on consistent study, reserving time for relaxation activities like visiting the park. Maintaining a balance ensured I stayed refreshed and focused during exam periods.

What colleges or universities are you aiming for?
While AIIMS Delhi remains a dream, I am open to any medical college that offers the opportunity to pursue my MBBS. Post-graduation, I envision specialising in surgery to further explore my interests.

Any advice for future NEET aspirants?
Consistency, discipline, and quality study are paramount. Focus on understanding concepts rather than studying for long hours. Utilise resources like NCERT effectively and maintain a balanced routine.

Can you walk us through the post-NEET process and your future plans?
Following NEET, the counselling process begins, where colleges are allotted based on ranks and quotas. Personally, I look forward to exploring the opportunities that lie ahead in my medical journey.

Meet Mahima, a Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom, and a seasoned writer with gigs at NDTV, News18, and SheThePeople. When she is not penning stories, she is surfing the web, dancing like nobody's watching, or lost in the pages of a good book. You can reach out to her at [email protected]
