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‘My daughter participates in all the school activities’

Mother of Apeejay School, Faridabad Sector-15 student speaks about her daughter’s increased confidence level and willingness for stage performances



Paavni Malhotra is a class 4 student at Apeejay School, Faridabad Sector-15. She has an innate passion for table tennis and loves to sing, dance and paint.  In a quick fun chat, her mother Mrs Sakshi Malhotra tells us about her daughter’s progress at the school and why she thinks this is the perfect place for a child to grow. 

Read edited excerpts:

Yes! She has made many friends in class and is enjoying life at school. She has been studying here since her time at Apeejay Rhythms Kinderworld and she has grown with the school. 

She likes music, dancing and painting the most among all other activities. She is most fond of these.  

Her favourite is Social Studies; she just loves it. To read and learn about the world and society is an area that interests her a lot. 

Hindi! (laughs). She is getting good marks in Hindi and is doing well. But her interest level is a bit down. She is a bit unclear in the matras, because these were taught in the lockdown time. But now that she is back in the classroom, she is catching up fast.

All of them are doing a fabulous job. They are ready to help us parents anytime. I am totally satisfied and impressed with the way the teachers take care of each and every child in the class. 

She plays table tennis in school. We have a TT table at home so she often plays with her brother and cousins. She is very interested in this sport.

She participates in all the school activities. As a result, her stage confidence has increased manifold. She looks forward to being on stage and expressing her talents. 

Senior Correspondent at the Apeejay Newsroom, Arijit has written more than a thousand articles across varied genres and also shot video interviews and live coverages with the highest viewership, displaying his versatility and skill. Be it a special achievement article, feedback from a parent, high profile alumnus interview or a featured write up on culture, literature and sports, he is the go to person. His initiatives like Aspiring Artist, Promising Poet and Book reviews have earned him special place in the hearts of all students and readers. Arijit initiated video interviews with a wholesome campaign on the 2022 FIFA World Cup, consisting of 16 match review articles and 3 video interviews of budding football players and enthusiasts across various Apeejay schools in Delhi. He also did the live coverage of Apeejay Noida's mega event Runathon 2023 and also many other special interviews. All his videos created new benchmarks for views, especially the latter crossing 2k views in just days. A performing poet, short story writer and football player in the other half of the day, Arijit leads a colourful and passionate life. You can watch his performances at his YouTube channel- Arijit Roy Poems, and also read his poems and short stories at his blog with the same name. He can be reached at [email protected] and [email protected]
