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MUSINGS-A healing journey, a friend-in-need



By Swagatam Roy

The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘Musings’ as ‘a period of reflection,’ and the book ‘Musings’ by Apeejay Prof. Mudita Raj induces exactly that. Written in a conversational style, this book is a journey or rather an intrapersonal voyage of introspection. Prof. Raj writes in its introduction how little life challenges are communicated to others without hesitation, but “terrible” incidents push us into a cocoon of privacy and loneliness, where we become vulnerable. We sit back and watch the world happen to us. The book ‘Musings’ specifically addresses this and becomes your companion in that deep-dug well of loneliness.

The book can be divided into three phases. It begins with what it calls “something terrible” in its ‘Introduction’ chapter. The poems describe those phases of life when we form an anti-social shield around us, wherein we confine ourselves. The poems delve into human psychology and discuss the nuances of how a person feels in that period of life. The descriptions feel real as if they are inspired by personal experiences.

In a chat show with Media Muse, Assistant Prof. Mudita Raj of Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication said, “All the poems written in the book are based on what I have experienced in my life. There are specific poems for specific people and specific phases of my life.”

Transitioning to the second phase, the book starts inducing a sense of introspection in the minds of its readers. It begins to feel therapeutic and, at times, interactive. Perceived to be a book focused only on human emotions, this book goes on to raise serious questions against social prejudices as well. With every passing page, the reader feels a sense of healing. Don’t hesitate to let a few tears spill from your eyes; the tears will eventually heal you.

Cut to the third phase, the book makes you start realising your self-worth. “Terrible” phases in life make you doubt yourself, question your abilities, condone your limitations, and undermine your own value. This phase of the book gives you reassurances of what a gem you are and preserves your self-worth. “You have a heart of gold, with immense love to give, and if someone isn’t able to see that, it isn’t your fault,” this phase of the book induces in you, this invaluable realisation.

This book is a healing journey, a ‘friend-in-need.’ Tune into good music and read the poems at the bed of your soul (extremely soulfully). Referring to the lyrics of ‘One More Light’ by Linkin Park, whenever the Chester in you questions, “Who cares if one more light goes out in the sky of a million stars?” the book will respond, “Well, I do.”
