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Lessons and hope after COVID- 19 lockdown



As the pandemic unfolded and lockdowns were imposed, our lives took an unexpected turn. The initial excitement of staying at home soon gave way to restlessness. No more early morning rushes to catch the school bus and no more face-to-face interactions with teachers and classmates. Our world was confined to the four walls of our homes, and screens became our new windows to the outside world.

During this period, I, like many others, discovered hidden talents and interests. I explored the world of cooking, experimenting with various recipes and realising the joy of preparing a meal. Baking became a delightful hobby, and I found solace in creating delicious treats for my family. These newfound skills not only kept me engaged but also brought my family closer as we spent quality time together in the kitchen.

Online learning was a significant part of this phase. It was challenging to adapt to this new mode of education, but it also helped me acquire valuable skills that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I became proficient in managing my time, setting schedules, and staying disciplined in my studies. The virtual classes allowed me to connect with my teachers and classmates, even though it was through a screen. While it couldn’t replace the experience of a physical classroom, it kept the flame of learning alive.

However, the absence of physical school was undoubtedly felt in various aspects. The laughter with friends, the
in-person guidance from teachers, and the vibrant atmosphere of the school were dearly missed. I longed for the days when we could once again sit in our classrooms, engage in discussions, and participate in extracurricular activities.

The news of school’s reopening for students in grades 8 to 12 was met with a mix of emotions. While I was excited about the prospect of returning to school, there was also a tinge of anxiety. The pandemic had reshaped our lives and routines, and the idea of returning to the ‘normal’ school setting felt like a significant transition.

Yet, as I prepared to step back into my school, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of optimism. This pandemic taught us resilience, adaptability, and the importance of cherishing the moments we often took for granted. The light at the end of this dark tunnel was not just a return to the past; it was a beacon of hope for a brighter and more grateful future.

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