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JEE Advanced Result 2024: Apeejay School, Panchsheel Park student clears the exam with flying colours

The topper explains what it takes to ace one of the toughest engineering entrance exams in India



In a remarkable achievement, Krrish Agarwal from Apeejay School, Panchsheel Park, has secured an impressive score of 169 in JEE Advanced, earning a CRL rank of 5416. His journey to success in one of India’s most challenging engineering entrance exams is an inspiring story of dedication, strategic planning, and relentless hard work. Apeejay Newsroom spoke with Krrish to gain insights into his preparation strategies, challenges faced, and advice for future aspirants. Read on for an in-depth look at Krrish’s approach to conquering JEE Advanced.

Read edited excerpts:

How did you feel when you saw your JEE Advanced results?
Honestly, I was neutral because I knew how the exam went and the results were up to my expectations.

When did you decide to start preparing for JEE, and what inspired you?
I decided to start preparing during my school years, around class 8th or 9th. My inclination towards STEM subjects over others like SST and BIO made me aware of JEE and IIT, and that’s when I began my preparation.

Can you describe your daily study routine during your preparation period?
My routine wasn’t very structured with fixed times, but I maintained a to-do list and aimed to complete it by the end of the day.

How did you balance your board exams with JEE preparation?
The syllabus for Maths, Chemistry, and Physics overlaps significantly with JEE, making it smooth to manage. Computer Science was also not an issue as it’s my field of interest. For English, the supportive teachers made it manageable.

What role did your teachers and mentors play in your preparation?
My teachers were incredibly supportive both academically and morally. They were always available to solve my doubts and provided the necessary support when I felt low.

What was your strategy for managing the vast JEE syllabus?
The key was to avoid backlogs and practice as many questions as possible. Strengthening concepts was crucial.

How did you tackle difficult subjects or topics during your preparation?
For difficult concepts, I would strategically decide whether to attempt them based on familiarity and practice. Identifying whether a question was within my grasp helped in managing time during the exam.

Can you share any effective study techniques that worked for you?
One should be able to sit for long hours, as the exam itself is three hours long. Additionally, it’s important not to overburden oneself. I included breaks for music and workouts in my routine.

What was the most challenging part of your JEE preparation and how did you overcome it?
The most challenging part was managing stress both academically and emotionally. Academically, the mechanics part in Physics was tough, but consistent practice helped me improve.

How did you prepare in the final weeks leading up to the exam?
I focused on revising concepts and avoided new theories or tests. Building confidence in what I had learned over the past two years was my strategy.

How many hours did you dedicate to preparation in the final week?
In the last week, I studied for about five to seven hours daily to avoid overburdening myself. At that point, reinforcing existing concepts was more important.

What are your future academic and career plans?
I plan to pursue a career in the IT field.

Which colleges are you aiming for with your JEE Advanced rank?
With my rank, I have options in some IITs and other top engineering colleges.

How did your family support you throughout your preparation?
My family was extremely supportive. They never pressured me over low marks and provided the moral support I needed.

What differences did you notice between JEE Mains and Advanced?
The main difference is the depth of concepts. JEE Advanced questions require a combination of multiple concepts, unlike Mains where basic understanding is often sufficient.

What advice would you give to future JEE aspirants?
Don’t create backlogs and be consistent. Even on less productive days, do something that adds to your preparation so you can end the day with a sense of accomplishment.

Meet Mahima, a Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom, and a seasoned writer with gigs at NDTV, News18, and SheThePeople. When she is not penning stories, she is surfing the web, dancing like nobody's watching, or lost in the pages of a good book. You can reach out to her at [email protected]
