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Coverage of Apeejay School International, Panchsheel Park, alumni interview in Sugermint



A proud alumna of Apeejay School International, Panchsheel Park shares her experience; says her journey has been enriching.

By Abhilasha Munjal:  Meet Ananya Gupta, an alumna of Apeejay School International, Panchsheel Park, a young, multifaceted artist poised to make significant strides in her academic pursuits. With a keen interest in the intersection of science and creativity, she aspires to delve into the intricacies of biochemistry in her future endeavours.

She attributes much of her holistic development and global perspective to her education within the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum.

In a telephonic conversation, Ananya shared her insights about school and its various activities which were helpful for her growing confidence.

Tell us about yourself.

Ananya Gupta: I have recently passed out from the school. I am passionate about pursuing a degree in biotechnology or biochemistry and have decided to aim for the University of Toronto. In addition to my academic interests, I enjoy creating art and journaling. I also maintain my website.

How do you feel knowing your school life has come to an end?

Ananya Gupta: It’s been hard for me to fully accept that I’ve finished high school. It hasn’t quite sunk in, especially since my friends are still hanging with me out after school. My focus has shifted toward my career goals, which might be why I haven’t been able to process or express my emotions about this transition. It’s a bittersweet feeling.

What made you choose to study abroad? What are your goals?

Ananya Gupta: Studying abroad has always been a dream of mine. In India, the competition is intense, and even when you’re performing above average, it can still feel like a constant struggle. Thankfully, my parents have always encouraged me to pursue my aspirations.

I’ve envisioned delving into biotech with a focus on arts or literature, while also maintaining my passion for writing on my website. Additionally, I have considered the possibility of working with an NGO, to contribute to sustainable initiatives.

What challenges you will be facing studying in abroad?

Ananya Gupta: I believe that finance will be a significant challenge for me, as I’m determined not to rely on my parents for financial support.

Despite receiving promising scholarship offers, I plan to wait for other university offers before making a final decision. This way, I can explore all available options and make the most informed choice for my future.

How has ASI helped you study for university-level studies?

Ananya Gupta: I’ve found that my school experience has been incredibly beneficial, particularly due to the small class sizes and low student-to-teacher ratio.

This environment has allowed our teachers to give us more individual attention, enabling them to understand our strengths and weaknesses with ease. The well-structured schedule of studies also provided us with ample time for thorough revision.

How was Extended Essay (EE) proven to be beneficial for you?

Ananya Gupta: Extended Essay (EE) has been incredibly valuable to me, particularly in teaching me how to structure and write research papers effectively. Learning to manage the entire research process was a key aspect of my education, especially as a STEM student.

Utilising lab reports from fellow students also provided valuable insights. As someone aspiring to become a researcher shortly, the knowledge and experience gained from EE have been indispensable in preparing me for this path.

What advice you would give to current IB students?

Ananya Gupta: To my juniors, I suggest dedicating your summer break to focusing on core subjects like Math and Science. Practice internal assessments for these subjects to build a strong foundation. This approach saved me a lot of time in the long run. Once you’ve identified your research topic for EE, studying becomes much smoother.

One thing you love the most about ASI?

Ananya Gupta: The small class size was a distinctive aspect of our experience, offering both advantages and challenges. It created an intimate learning environment where we could support each other in various aspects of school life, whether it was studying for exams, participating in sports, or tackling other activities together.

This close-knit dynamic fostered a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among us, contributing to a rich and memorable educational journey.
