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CBSE Class 12 Exam Tips: ‘Maintain a clean and organised answer sheet’

A Geography educator at Apeejay School, Panchsheel Park advises students to have a good night’s sleep before the exam



The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has slated the Geography exam for February 29, 2024. Students must have already completed their initial round of prep for the exam. However, studying the chapters needs to be complemented by solving several question papers to ensure one is exam-ready.

To make it easier for students, Manisha Yadav, PGT Geography at Apeejay School, Panchsheel Park, shared some important tips not just for what to do a day before the exam but also how to attempt the question paper on the final day of the exam.

5 things to do a day before the day of the exam

• Give a thorough reading of the last three years’ Board question papers.

• Read the highlighted points from your notes or study material for quick revision. If you have revision notes for last-minute revision, that will be the best thing.⁠⁠

• Have a good sleep before the exam. At no cost, take the risk of keeping awake the night before the exam.

• Eat light and healthy. Keep yourself hydrated.⁠

• Keep stationary and admit card readily available.

The educator also said that it is just as important to have a strategy in place when it comes to attempting the question paper. A neat answer sheet with legible handing leaves a good impression on the examiner. “It is important to follow time management. Sticking to the word limit can help students to complete their exam leaving 10-15 minutes for a proper revision,” Yadav said and shared things to keep in mind while attempting the question paper on the day of the exam.

Arrive early: Plan to reach the exam venue at least 30 minutes before the start time. This avoids last-minute panic.

Read carefully: Carefully analyse each question to understand the requirements before responding. Take advantage of the 15 minutes that are given to thoroughly read the question paper to formulate a plan on how you will attempt the answer.

Be cautious: Pay close attention when providing personal information to avoid errors. Ensure that you have not given any personal information in the answer sheet beside the roll number, paper number, and centre number.

Time management: Allocate time wisely, avoiding excessive focus on any single question.

Neatness matters: Maintain a clean and organised answer sheet, minimising unnecessary embellishments.

Use pencils: Utilise pencils for diagrams and labeling to ensure clarity and precision.

Attempt all: Make an effort to respond to every question, avoiding leaving any blank. Even if you don’t know the exact answer, write whatever you know about that topic to get some marks.

Stay calm: If feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to breathe deeply. Attempt questions that you know well first to gain confidence.

Stay till the end: Remain in the exam hall until the allotted time is over.

Double-check: Take the time to review your answers twice if feasible to catch any errors.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.
