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Apeejay School of Management holds an invigorating session on “Systematic Literature Reviews”

The B school organises this as part of its ongoing Faculty Training Program



Apeejay School of Management (ASM) has consistently demonstrated its commitment to the professional development of its faculty through a series of well-organised training programs. These initiatives aim to equip faculty members with advanced skills and methodologies to enhance their teaching and research capabilities. As part of such initiatives, the Dwarka-based B-school recently held another Faculty Training Program focused on “Systematic Literature Reviews”. 

This invigorating and insightful session was led by Dr. Ranjit Kaur, Assistant Professor at ASM, who brought her extensive expertise to the table. The primary goal of this training was to enhance the faculty’s proficiency in conducting systematic literature reviews, a critical method for synthesising research evidence in a comprehensive and systematic manner. Dr. Kaur meticulously covered the various facets of SLR, ensuring that participants gained a robust understanding of this essential research tool.

During the training, Dr. Kaur explained the importance of formulating precise research questions, which serve as the foundation of any systematic review. She emphasised the need for developing detailed review protocols, which guide the entire review process and ensure consistency and reliability. Participants were also taught how to conduct thorough literature searches, which are crucial for identifying all relevant studies on a given topic.

A key component of the session was the discussion on the critical processes involved in SLR. Dr. Kaur highlighted the methods for selecting and assessing the quality of studies, a step that ensures the inclusion of high-quality evidence in the review. She also explained the techniques for systematically extracting data from the selected studies and synthesising the findings, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

One of the highlights of the training was the introduction to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Dr. Kaur elucidated how these guidelines play a pivotal role in ensuring transparency, reproducibility, and thoroughness in reporting systematic reviews. Understanding and applying these guidelines are crucial for producing high-quality systematic reviews that can stand up to rigorous academic scrutiny.

The training session was highly interactive, allowing participants to engage in discussions, clarify their doubts, and share their experiences. This interactive approach not only facilitated a deeper understanding of the concepts but also enabled faculty members to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios, thereby enhancing their research skills.

The successful organisation of this third faculty training program by ASM underscores the institution’s dedication to continuous learning and professional development. These programs are instrumental in fostering a culture of excellence and innovation among the faculty, ultimately benefiting the students and the broader academic community. Through such initiatives, Apeejay School of Management continues to pave the way for academic and research excellence.

Harshita is Assistant Editor at Apeejay Newsroom. With experience in both the Media and Public Relations (PR) world, she has worked with Careers360, India Today and Value360 Communications. A learner by nature, she is a foodie, traveller and believes in having a healthy work-life balance.
