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‘An unmeasurable love state – Father’



“A father’s love is a guiding light that shines brightly in everyone’s life. His strength, wisdom, and endless support are the foundation  of everybody’s happiness.”

Usually, we’ve seen everyone talking about a mother’s love and affection for her child and the endless sacrifices she gives for their upbringing, from the time she gave birth till the end of life. But in all this, the love of a father often goes unnoticed.

The relationship between a father and his child is one of the most profound and emotional connections in one’s life. This bond is built on love, guidance, and support, which plays a crucial role in shaping the character of a child. The first superhero for a child is their father. A father’s love provides a sense of security and gives the family their much-needed support, guidance, and protection. Every father is an example for their children. They are the first role model and mentor to whom every child looks upon. He is a selfless person who is always there to help his mates. 

He is the person with whom I can share anything and everything.  I know that he will keep the secret I share and give me correct and needful advices.

Come what may, he is the one I can count on whenever I need help or am going through a hard time. My father has played an indispensable role in my life. He is the strongest,  kindest, and the most jovial person I’ve ever seen. He has always been there through thick and thin, guiding me and making sure  that I grow up to become an independent adult.

Being a girl, my father is my “go-to person” whenever I need any  advice in life or permission. He’s the one who first knows about any of my “mischievous plans” before my mother.

Me and dad, share the same energetic spirit, and we both enjoy and love each other’s company. Every trip that we’ve done together has been the most adventurous and exciting one!

Everybody in our family believes that I’m my father’s true copy.

We both love to surprise my mom with gifts on any special day,  like Mother’s Day, her birthday, my parents’ anniversary, etc. The time that we spend together for thinking about what we shall get for my mom is the best time for real! From becoming detectives so that we can find out what my mom’s likings are to just asking her  out what would she love to get as a gift, we’ve done it all!

My father is a family-man, who prioritises us on top of everything in the world. We feel the safest when we’re with him.

I don’t know how, but he has this magical power to make me laugh whenever I’m sad or not well. I remember, that whenever I had a fever or any illness, he always told my mother to sleep and then took care of me the whole night; from giving me every single dose of my medicines to putting those cold strips on my forehead,  I always feel blessed to have a father like him. I couldn’t have thanked god more!

Every year on my birthday, he makes sure to gift me something.  But the most memorable birthday gift I received from him was on my 10th birthday. He got me my favourite headphones and watch,  and that itself was a fantastic gift for me. But after 15 days, my father surprised me with a car!

The same car that I always wanted my father to drive! I was over the moon when I saw this amazing gift and couldn’t believe my eyes for a good 10 minutes.

Dad, I’m so lucky to have you in my life! You’ve taught me how to be patient, resilient, kind, and compassionate for everyone who I  meet in my life. You’ve taught me to care for others and for myself too! Your love, patience, and understanding have been the foundation of my happiness and strength and a constant source of inspiration in my life.

Your wisdom and kindness have shaped the person I am today. Thank you for being my rock, my confidant,  and my greatest supporter. I love you more than words can express. You are my hero! THANK YOU DAD FOR SAYING “YES” WHEN MOM SAID “NO”!
