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A celebration of democracy and the Constitution

Students of Apeejay Stya University participated in a painting competition to celebrate Constitution Day.



Painting by Ankita Dagar

To mark Constitution Day 2021, Apeejay Stya University recently held a painting competition for its students. A total of 40 students across various departments—from Design to Law and Education—participated in the event that was held virtually. Organised by the National Service Scheme (NSS), the theme for the competition was ‘India of My Dreams’.

The participants were allowed to either paint manually or use the digital medium. The paintings were reflections of their vision for the country—from a casteless society to women’s safety, and food and education for all. Ankita Dagar, a first-year student of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), was announced the winner. “There are so many people in our country who are battling malnutrition and poverty. That is what I highlighted in my painting. I also stressed the safety of women. Even if a woman raises her voice against any abuse, people tend to point fingers at her. The country of my dreams is also the one that is No. 1 in technology,” she said.

Talking about the significance of the theme, Dr Vijay Kumar, Teacher Educator and Programme Coordinator, NSS, said, “The Constitution of India is the soul of our country. Through this painting competition, we wanted students to explore the kind of future they would want for this country. ‘India of My Dreams’ is also a book by Mahatma Gandhi.”

Talking about Constitution Day, he added, “It is a very pious day for any democracy. The success of a democracy depends on its citizens, who should be aware of their rights and duties.”

Constitution Day, also known as National Law Day, is celebrated annually on November 26 to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. It was on this day in 1949 that the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution, which came into effect on January 26, 1950.

“We demand our rights and forget to fulfill our duties. There should be a fine balance between our rights and duties and all citizens should play their role constructively in nation-building.”

– Dr Vijay Kumar, Teacher Educator and Programme Coordinator, NSS

Disha Roy Choudhury is a Principal Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom. She has worked as a journalist at different media organisations. She is also passionate about music and has participated in reality shows.
