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Enhancing health, well-being: Key lifestyle changes



Times are changing and so are our lives. Gone are the days when everyone remained active, and the concept of “workouts” didn’t exist. However, in this digital era, our daily routines have become easier and more comfortable. Yet, many of us lead a sedentary lifestyle without giving much thought to our health. The past two years have shown us the importance of our
well-being. I firmly believe that our bodies are capable of amazing things that no medicine or treatment can match, and our lifestyle plays a significant role in our overall health. Here are a few lifestyle changes, from my perspective, that we should incorporate into our routines to enhance our health and outlook.

1.Waking up early: We have heard the saying “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise” since childhood, and there’s a reason for it. Rising early helps us become more organised and improves our concentration. It enables us to make timely decisions instead of worrying about multiple tasks when waking up late.

2.Practicing Yoga: Yoga revitalises our mind, body, and soul. It enhances our flexibility, mobility, and inner peace, especially through practices like pranayama. It has been an integral part of our country for ages, and now the whole world acknowledges it as a path to health and happiness.

3.Eating fruits for breakfast: When it comes to breakfast, choosing fruits as your go-to option offers a multitude of benefits. We are well aware of the nutritional value of fruits. They come straight from nature, free from added sugars or preservatives. They are easily digested and provide us with the energy to stay active and refreshed throughout the day. Having heavy meals for breakfast slows down our metabolism and makes us feel lethargic. Starting our day by nourishing our bodies with fruits is the best way to boost our immunity. So, go ahead and have an apple a day to keep the doctor away!

4.Drinking an adequate amount of water: Our bodies consist of 60%-70% water, and to ensure proper functioning, we must drink an adequate amount. Water aids in the digestion process and prevents constipation, which has become increasingly common among both adults and children. Drinking a glass of water after waking up flushes out toxins accumulated in our bodies during sleep. Although drinking water may seem like a small step, it plays a significant role in maintaining our health.

The destiny of our health lies in our own hands. So, let’s start a healthy lifestyle and become the best versions of ourselves
