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CBSE ignites scientific spark for middle school minds



The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has launched the Science Challenge program, designed to cultivate curiosity, inquiry, and enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students in classes VIII to X. This initiative, accessible through the CBSE platform until May, revolves around the themes of Science, Environment, and Sustainability.

Comprising two rounds, the challenge begins with an intra-school competition followed by an inter-school challenge. Notably, there is no application fee for students participating in either stage of this enrichment activity, making it accessible to all eligible students in CBSE-affiliated schools.

In the first round, students from classes VIII to X are eligible to compete, with school registration being a prerequisite for participation. This round serves as a platform for students to showcase their scientific knowledge and skills within their respective schools.

Moving to the second round, schools that registered in the initial stage can nominate their top six students from each participating class. This round intensifies the competition as students from different schools compete against each other, further fostering a spirit of academic excellence and healthy competition.

The challenge paper for both rounds consists of MCQs, emphasising both speed and accuracy. This format not only tests students’ understanding of scientific concepts but also their ability to apply them efficiently within a limited timeframe.

Participants in the second round will receive online participation certificates from the Board, acknowledging their dedication and effort. Additionally, top-performing students will be awarded appreciation certificates, recognising their outstanding performance and commitment to scientific inquiry and excellence.

Schools are encouraged to actively support and facilitate student participation in the CBSE Science Challenge, providing students with a valuable opportunity to refine and demonstrate their scientific abilities.
