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10 Books that Shape Our View: A student’s reading list

Exploring these narratives equips students with the insight to navigate a complex, multicultural world effectively



In the diverse tapestry of global literature, Indian books have a unique thread that weaves through the fabric of cultural, historical, and philosophical narratives, offering readers a rich panorama of the subcontinent’s ethos. For students in India, delving into these books is not merely an academic exercise but a journey into the soul of their nation, providing insights and inspirations that textbooks alone cannot offer.

One cannot talk about inspirational Indian literature without mentioning Wings of Fire: An Autobiography by APJ Abdul Kalam. This autobiography chronicles the life of India’s missile man, encouraging young minds to dream big and overcome challenges through perseverance and hard work. It is a beacon of motivation, emphasizing the virtues of a scientific temperament and visionary leadership.

Meanwhile, The Room on the Roof by Ruskin Bond allows readers to experience the post-colonial Indian setting through the eyes of an Anglo-Indian teenager. It’s a tale of friendship and the trials of growing up, set against the backdrop of a changing country, thus offering a personal perspective on broader social transformations.

Jawaharlal Nehru’s The Discovery of India offers an expansive look at India’s history as seen from the prison walls where Nehru was incarcerated. This book is not just a historical account; it is a philosophical understanding of Indian culture, which could enrich a student’s understanding of their heritage and the complexities of Indian identity.

The poetic expressions in Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore explore deep spiritual themes and the essence of human emotions, earning Tagore a Nobel Prize in Literature. These poems form an essential introduction to the lyrical prowess and rich cultural heritage of India.

In Swami and Friends by RK Narayan, students find relatability and humour in the adventures of young Swami as he navigates through the nuances of life in British India. This novel, while entertaining, subtly critiques colonial influence and celebrates the simplicity of small-town life.

For a comprehensive understanding of modern India, India After Gandhi: The History of the World’s Largest Democracy by Ramachandra Guha is indispensable. It covers the political and social upheavals post-independence, helping students connect historical events with contemporary Indian society.

The Amar Chitra Katha series by Anant Pai is a treasure trove of stories from Indian mythology, history, and folklore, presented in a comic book format. These stories not only enhance cultural knowledge but are also instrumental in preserving and passing on Indian traditions engagingly.

P Sainath’s Everybody Loves a Good Drought provides an unflinching look at the adversities faced in India’s poorest districts. This collection of essays is crucial for young readers to develop empathy and a nuanced understanding of the socio-economic challenges within their country.

The Village by the Sea by Anita Desai paints a picture of rural Indian life through the struggles of a young family, highlighting resilience in the face of hardships. It captures the essence of rural dynamics and the impact of environmental and economic changes on traditional lifestyles.

Last, the Feluda Series by Satyajit Ray offers mystery and adventure, making it a delightful read that also educates about various cultural aspects of India through the engaging escapades of Detective Feluda.

Reading these books provides students with a multi-dimensional understanding of India, encompassing its past, present, and the diverse narratives that define its society. It fosters a deeper connection with their roots and a broader perspective on global cultures.

By exploring these literary works, students not only enhance their knowledge but also develop a profound appreciation for the stories that shape their land and their identity. Engaging with these narratives will equip them with the wisdom to navigate the complex, multicultural world they are a part of.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.
