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Most cherished family event: My Mama’s marriage



This year, amidst the chaos of daily life, there was a family event that left an indelible mark on my heart—the marriage of my beloved Mama. It was a celebration that brought together not just relatives, but also memories, laughter, and love.

The anticipation leading up to the wedding was palpable. Our home buzzed with excitement as we prepared for the grand affair. The house was adorned with marigold garlands, twinkling fairy lights, and colorful drapes. The aroma of freshly cooked delicacies wafted through the air, promising a feast fit for the gods.

On the auspicious day, the sun seemed to shine brighter, as if even nature was celebrating alongside us. The courtyard was transformed into a magical space—a stage for the union of two souls. The vibrant sarees and dapper suits worn by family members added to the festive spirit. We danced, sang, and laughed, our hearts overflowing with joy.

As the priest chanted sacred verses, my Mama and his bride stood before the holy fire. Their eyes spoke volumes—a promise of companionship, trust, and unwavering love. The rituals unfolded, each step binding them together in a beautiful tapestry of matrimony. I watched, my heart swelling with pride, as they exchanged garlands and vows.

The reception was a whirlwind of colors, music, and heartfelt conversations. Relatives from near and far graced the occasion, their smiles echoing the happiness that filled the room. The bride, resplendent in her bridal attire, glowed like a thousand suns. My Mama, usually composed and serious, couldn’t stop beaming. Their love story was now etched in the annals of our family history.

The highlight of the evening was the dance floor. Cousins, aunts, uncles—everyone swayed to the rhythm of joy. Even my Mama, who claimed to have two left feet, surprised us with his graceful moves. We laughed until our sides hurt, creating memories that would be recounted for generations.

Amidst the revelry, I stole a moment with my Mama. His eyes held a mixture of emotions—happiness, nostalgia, and a hint of melancholy. He whispered, “Life is a beautiful journey, my child. Cherish every moment.” Those words stayed with me, a reminder to savor life’s fleeting joys.

As the clock struck midnight, the newlyweds bid adieu to our home. The tearful farewells were bittersweet—a blend of joy for their new beginning and sadness at their departure. Rice grains showered upon them, symbolizing prosperity and abundance. They stepped into a new chapter, hand in hand, ready to script their own love story.

In retrospect, my Mama’s marriage wasn’t just an event; it was a symphony of love, laughter, and togetherness. It taught me that family is our anchor—the one constant in a world of change. As I pen down these words, I realize that this celebration wasn’t merely about rituals and ceremonies; it was about weaving bonds that would withstand the test of time.
