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Faculty Development Training: Know thyself

Apeejay School of Management holds the second round focused on “Psychometric Tests for Knowing Yourself”.



Following the success of the initial session, Apeejay School of Management held its second Faculty Training Program, focusing on “Psychometric Tests for Knowing Yourself”. This session was expertly led by Dr. Chhaya Wadhwa, who guided participants through the intricacies of various psychometric assessment tools and their applications for personal and professional development.

The training program aimed to equip faculty members with a deeper understanding of psychometric tests, highlighting their significance in enhancing self-awareness and fostering personal growth. Dr. Wadhwa introduced a variety of assessment tools, including personality assessments, aptitude tests, emotional intelligence measures, and values inventories. Each tool was meticulously explained, emphasizing its relevance in different contexts and how it can be leveraged for introspection and development.

A significant portion of the session was dedicated to practical applications of these tools. Participants were encouraged to reflect on the insights gained from their assessments, considering how these could be used to improve self-awareness and interpersonal relationships. Dr. Wadhwa stressed the importance of understanding one’s strengths and areas for improvement, which is crucial for navigating challenging situations effectively and fostering a positive work environment.

One of the highlights of the training was the application of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), a widely recognized assessment that helps individuals understand their preferred conflict management styles. Faculty members completed the TKI assessment during the session and received personalized feedback on their conflict management approaches. This hands-on experience allowed participants to gain valuable insights into their behavior during conflicts, helping them to adopt more effective strategies for resolution.

The feedback session following the TKI assessment was particularly enlightening. Faculty members discussed their results, shared personal experiences, and explored how different conflict management styles could be applied in various scenarios within the academic environment. This interactive component not only deepened their understanding of conflict resolution but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and shared learning among the participants.

Dr. Wadhwa also highlighted the broader implications of these psychometric tools. She explained how regular use of such assessments could contribute to continuous personal development and better team dynamics. By understanding individual differences and preferences, faculty members can tailor their interactions and teaching methods to better suit the needs of their students and colleagues.

The program concluded with a discussion on the future applications of psychometric tests in the institution. Participants expressed their appreciation for the insights gained and their eagerness to apply these tools in their professional and personal lives. The training session was deemed a resounding success, further solidifying the importance of such initiatives in fostering a culture of self-awareness and continuous improvement.

In summary, the Faculty Training Program on Psychometric Tests for Knowing Yourself provided valuable insights into the use of psychometric assessments for personal growth and professional development. Through engaging discussions and practical applications, participants left with a deeper understanding of themselves and a renewed commitment to fostering positive relationships within the academic community.

Harshita is Assistant Editor at Apeejay Newsroom. With experience in both the Media and Public Relations (PR) world, she has worked with Careers360, India Today and Value360 Communications. A learner by nature, she is a foodie, traveller and believes in having a healthy work-life balance.
